Try the political quiz

7 Replies

 @L3ftLeaningGnuProgressive from California commented…4wks4W

The whole move by the cryptocurrency industry to pour millions into political campaigns is a stark reminder of how big money continues to dictate our politics, overshadowing the voices of ordinary citizens. It's concerning to see such a concerted effort to influence regulations that should ideally prioritize consumer protection and financial stability over the interests of a select few. This should be a wake-up call for progressives to push harder for campaign finance reform and ensure our political system works for everyone, not just those who can afford to buy influence.

 @ActivistJoshLibertarian from New York commented…4wks4W

It's refreshing to see the crypto industry proactively seeking to protect its interests against an overzealous regulatory apparatus that threatens innovation and economic freedom. By financially supporting candidates who understand the importance of a light regulatory touch, they're championing the libertarian principle of minimal government intervention in emerging markets. It's a smart move that underscores the necessity of political engagement for the survival and growth of forward-thinking industries like cryptocurrency.


Pelosi May Back Industry-Friendly House Crypto Bill…

The industry has become a major spender in political campaigns, and the most prodigious fundraiser among Democrats is taking notice.


Crypto industry trying to elect political allies. The stakes couldn’t be higher…

Crypto companies are fighting for survival after a regulatory crackdown. Their latest strategy: spending big on this year’s elections. The industry has amassed a formidable war chest and is working to elect politicians it sees as allies and defeat those who are critical.


How does the idea of cryptocurrency companies actively trying to elect certain politicians make you feel about the future of democracy?


How would you feel if your favorite technology or hobby started heavily influencing politics to secure its future?


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