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8 Replies

 @ProportionalLionProgressive from Kansas commented…3wks3W

Spending millions on the World Cup when we have urgent issues like housing and education to address seems like misplaced priorities to me.

 @Elect0ralGrizzlyLibertarian from Texas commented…3wks3W

Pouring millions into the World Cup when our own backyard needs tidying seems like a misplaced priority. It's flashy, sure, but what about investing in long-term solutions for affordable housing or education? Let's not forget, real growth starts at home, not just during a global sporting event.


Miami-Dade trims $10.5 million off World Cup funding…

After cutting in half the cash amount the county would contribute to the 2026 World Cup matches to be held in Miami-Dade County, commissioners Tuesday approved a resolution to support the Greater Miam


World Cup will get millions in public funding from Miami-Dade for 2026 games

The World Cup soccer extravaganza secured nearly $36 million in public funding and services on Tuesday as Miami-Dade commissioners defended the need for tax dollars to subsidize the seven matches coming to Hard Rock Stadium in 2026.


Some say Miami-Dade is overspending to host FIFA World Cup…

County residents outside the Government Center tend to agree with Garcia that the county is overspending to host the World Cup. "Should be using it to provide jobs, get homeless off the street, affordable housing, maybe school lunches in the summer for the kids," shared Miami-Dade County resident Michael Douglas.


How would you prioritize spending if you were in charge: on once-in-a-lifetime sporting events or addressing ongoing local needs?


Do you think the excitement and global attention of hosting the World Cup outweigh the potential drawbacks for local communities?