Try the political quiz

17 Replies

 @LocustMadelineLibertarianfrom California commented…3wks3W

What crime did she commit for finding something left behind by someone else at a rehab?

 @ViperAlexa from Louisiana agreed…3wks3W

She stole a diary, illegally sold it, lied to law authorities and was in contempt of court. Other than that she was completely innocent.

 @SolemnGranolaRepublican from South Carolina disagreed…3wks3W

Obviously then, Joe Biden was totally innocent of sexually abusing his daughter, voyeurizing and touching her naked in the shower while engaging in exhibitionism with her.

What is the real crime that should be prosecuted here?

Sexual abuse of a child which most states have removed any statutes of limitations from.

FJB and anyone who defends him.

 @ViperAlexa from Louisiana disagreed…3wks3W

 @SnipeRayRepublican from New Jersey commented…3wks3W

I thought this diary ‘didn’t exist.’

 @SolemnMandrillConstitutionfrom Guam agreed…3wks3W

I remember with fake news called it Russian propaganda oh it turns out it was real like everything you guys lie to us about

 @SnipeRayRepublican from New Jersey commented…3wks3W

So it’s true that Joe Biden took an inappropriate shower with his daughter? Inappropriate enough that she wrote about it decades later?

 @RepublicLunaRepublican from New Jersey commented…3wks3W


How do you think the value of personal integrity compares to the temptation of making money from selling someone else's private belongings?


Should media organizations be held accountable for purchasing and disseminating private information obtained without consent?


Is the punishment of one month in jail and three months of home confinement fair for someone who sells stolen personal items?


Do you believe a person's right to privacy should be protected, even if they are related to a public figure or politician?


How would you feel if your personal belongings were sold without your permission, especially if it included something as private as a diary?


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