Try the political quiz

5 Replies

 @9LG28KV  from Tennessee answered…6mos6MO

They wouldn't because I already know the divisions between people are just about protection of everyone's false sense of self, their ego identity (who their football team is, where they go to church, what their socio-economic status is, etc.).

If you interact with a person and not an ideology, that's the best you can do. If people choose to maintain their false identity and identify themselves as engineers, Christians, Alabama football fans, politicians, accountants, mothers, whites, blacks, Asians, or any other 'label,' then shake the dust off your feet and go look for real relationship elsewhere

 @9LFK9YH from Minnesota commented…6mos6MO

Political Parties aren’t all that different because everyone is facing the same problems and they all want a solution to it.

 @9LG28KV from Tennessee answered…6mos6MO

They wouldn't because I already know the divisions between people are just about protection of everyone's false sense of self, their ego identity (who their football team is, where they go to church, what their socio-economic status is, etc.).

If you interact with a person and not an ideology, that's the best you can do. If people choose to maintain their false identity and identify themselves as engineers, Christians, Alabama football fans, politicians, accountants, mothers, whites, blacks, Asians, or any other 'label,' then shake the dust off your feet and go look for real relationship elsewhere


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