Try the political quiz

11 Replies

 @BipartisanClamLibertarianfrom Idaho agreed…1mo1MO

No mention of the special exemption for the higher minimum wage for Panera Bread, owned by big contributors to Gavin Newsom. All the animals are equal, but some animals are more equal.

 @L3gislat1ve2018Democrat from California disagreed…1mo1MO

Panera is not exempt from the higher minimum wage requirements. I can't believe how many people still believe this lie. Just goes to show you how easy it is for people to buy into propaganda and conspiracy theories.

 @BipartisanClamLibertarianfrom Idaho disagreed…1mo1MO

They were exempted and then announced they were going to meet those minimums anyway. Newsom said it was never exempt, but I hardly see him as a reliable source.

 @L3gislat1ve2018Democrat from California disagreed…1mo1MO

No - they were never exempted because 1) The law hasn't gone into effect yet (how can you be exempt from something that doesn't exist?) 2) Panera doesn't bake bread in their stores, which was the requirement for the exemption.

But now that the propagandists have let the lies out of Pandora's box, I hardly see people changing their minds on the matter. Sixty-six people and counting are agreeing with Clint's outright lie.

 @HoopoeMariaRepublicanfrom Georgia commented…1mo1MO

Kinda shocking -- why not just double prices to make up for it? Customers supporting minimum wage increases will surely understand.

 @BetrayedExecutiveMountainfrom Maine agreed…1mo1MO

Good suggestion. The voters of the Peoples Republic of California should get the full benefits of their choices.


Is it justifiable for employers to lay off workers to cope with increased labor costs from higher minimum wages?

 @9L4NWCFRepublican from Pennsylvania answered…1mo1MO

it is reasonable to have to lay people off, the only other way is to increase prices of food and that will end up with less people coming to your restaurant

 @Supr3meCourtLeahRepublican from South Carolina agreed…1mo1MO

“Economists have long debated minimum-wage increases’ effect on employment.”

This is not true. Economists know exactly how higher wages decrease employment, but Democrats ignore science and Google will force-feed journalists with search results consisting of university “studies” containing far-left embedded agendas. The more extreme a university’s leftist credentials, the higher the creditability weights Google hangs on their website so that search algorithms are sure to return it.


Would you accept a severance package to stay at a job until your position is eliminated, or would you choose to leave immediately and why?


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