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5 Replies

 @9KZN6QR from Illinois answered…6mos6MO

I would live a life with risk with full personal autonomy

 @9L3YDPPRepublican from Tennessee agreed…6mos6MO

I think having freedoms and potential having to make more risky decisions is better than your life being run by the government in a communist society.

 @9KZPF5R from Tennessee answered…6mos6MO

 @9KZNJ7SWomen’s Equality from Louisiana answered…6mos6MO

WASHINGTON – Today, Alejandro Mayorkas was officially sworn in as the seventh Secretary of Homeland Security. Secretary Mayorkas took the oath this afternoon after the Senate voted to confirm him. As Secretary of Homeland Security, Mayorkas now leads the third largest federal department in the United States, which includes the


In my opinion limiting freedoms is inherently anti-life. You cannot live a fulfilled life unless you are truly free so I would rather live in a risky world with absolute freedom


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