Try the political quiz

4 Replies

 @9JCWNQVRepublican from Florida answered…8mos8MO

I would hope to better understand how USA is viewed.

 @9JD5398 from Ohio disagreed…8mos8MO

This isn't an argument, its a statement of opinion, mine differs in the sense that I'd want to know how that teen experiences their own country, and its people.

 @9JCWMMQ from Tennessee answered…8mos8MO

I would hope to learn the concept of cosmopolitanism in their country and compare it to America's concept. What should we continue to do, what should we cease to do, and what should we prepare to do?

 @9JCWR97 from Tennessee answered…8mos8MO

Their concepts and ideas on anything and everything would be what I would try to learn to hopefully established relations to their country to be more prosperous.