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16 Replies

 @9HYRCFP  from Nevada  agreed…11mos11MO

I believe they should not allow abortions just because it is cruel and you are killing another human being who could possibly be the next albert Einstein. You could at least put the kid up for adoption at a young age so they would hopefully have a better life.

 @9HZ2SLQ from West Virginia  agreed…11mos11MO

I agree that we should continue to fund those organizations because they do more than just abortions and if we take away funding for things like that we might as well take away women's healthcare as a whole.

 @9HZ2R9N from Pennsylvania  agreed…11mos11MO

I disagree with this. I disagree because individuals should be open to the option of being able to get an abortion if needed.

 @9HZ27SB from Indiana  agreed…11mos11MO

I agree, even though Planned Parenthood doesnt fund abortions there is healthcare in Planned Parenthood that is far more important, People should think beyond just watching what a women does and how many kids she has or doesnt have.

 @9HYV7WFPeace and Freedom from New Mexico  agreed…11mos11MO

I agree with this statement, people associate aboriginal and only abortion to plan parenthood when abortions are only a piece of the important resources given to women in need when making the decision to bring a life into the world. And the world should be smart enough to understand the importance of this.

 @9HYKMC9 from California  agreed…11mos11MO

Planned parenthood is a very important organization that provides mandatory health care services. I feel although the government should allocate more fund to planned parenthood and they should be accessible to everyone in need.

 @9HYJXGXLibertarian  from Michigan  agreed…11mos11MO

I mean like its important to a lot of people and needs to be private so like the government should do it I think and they hadded a good rest of the day too.


Abortion is killing your own child, literally killing them. I don't support anything connected to abortion.

 @9HYH5W9 from Michigan  disagreed…11mos11MO

As soon as a mother conceives, the baby inside her is a human. That human has a soul, every biological trait about that girl or boy is decided. When the mom decided to kill her baby, she is murdering her own child.

 @9HYH3ZR from Oklahoma  agreed…11mos11MO

The government should absolutely found planned parent hood as it is a safe place where women can go to learn about safety, what to do, the net steps, ect. It would be awful if it got abolished.


if we ban safe abortions, it will just cause people to pay for ones under the table and that money wont be taxed because obviously that's all the government cares about.

 @9HYMZ58Democrat from California  agreed…11mos11MO

I believe that funds should be given to Planned Parenthood because it allows for a safe way to have an abortion.

 @9HYKVYJ from California  agreed…11mos11MO

I agree with government giving more funding to Planed Parent Hood since it has helped so many people around me not only with the abortion process but also giving them the access to a healthy sexual life by providing sexual education and contraceptive methods.

 @9HYHK5Z from Georgia  agreed…11mos11MO

I agree with government funding to Planned Parenthood as they do not only perform abortions but all types of screening and healthcare for anyone who may need it. It is essential to have Planned Parenthood around whether it be an abortion procedure or a pelvic exam. Also, safe access to abortions is needed already.

 @9HYLMNCProgressive from Arizona  agreed…11mos11MO

I agree with this statement, planned parenthood is mainly for preventative care and for someone who is pro-life it should be seen as essential to take preventative measures. However, even if planned parenthood focused on abortions they should still receive government funding as bodily autonomy is a basic human right and to be done safely and reduce the mortality rate of mothers; funds are needed.

 @9HYHS9D from Ohio  agreed…11mos11MO

yes, fund planned parenthood it's a good source for those in need when it comes to the things they provide.


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