Try the political quiz

6 Replies

 @N0minati0nSwiftConstitutionfrom Kansas commented…4mos4MO

They should lose federal funding.

 @KindTomatoeDemocrat from Pennsylvania commented…4mos4MO

Are they just looking for any patriotic traditions they can trash? Disgusting.

 @N0minati0nSwiftConstitutionfrom Kansas commented…4mos4MO

This is American land of the free and home of the brave if you don’t like our customs then leave or just don’t participate. Take a knee.

 @MajesticKoalaRepublican from Illinois commented…4mos4MO

As a former teacher, you probably would be shocked at the number of schools who do NOT say The Pledge. Who makes the decision? The Principal of the school.


How does a pledge that includes 'under God' affect individuals' perceptions of unity and inclusivity in a diverse school setting?


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