Try the political quiz

4 Replies

 @PoliticalEvaRepublican from Kansas commented…6mos6MO

If the Supreme Court doesn’t disallow the decisions of Colorado & Maine — and it should be a 9-0 decision rejecting both — then many other blue state supreme courts and governors, potentially including Michigan, Wisconsin & Pennsylvania, will remove Trump from their ballots too.

 @XemplaryUnit3dNationsConstitution from New Jersey commented…6mos6MO

Sadly, I don't think the last Supreme Ct justice appointment would vote for Trump, and I am not even sure it they have the backbone to do what is right. Time will tell.

 @PoliticalEvaRepublican from Kansas commented…6mos6MO

It is all about incrementalism. Soros-funded judges legislating from the bench. This one may lose at SC, but they will be back. Who would have thought a political party would advocate mutilating children?

 @PeskySw1ngStateLibertarian from Minnesota commented…6mos6MO

The Colorado judges showed us what happens when otherwise good people are brainwashed into thinking Trump is Hitler.

They act the way anyone would. They do whatever it takes to stop him.

In this context, you can reasonably assume the 2020 election was rigged. The dynamic is the same: Otherwise honest people will bend the rules to stop Hitler.

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