Try the political quiz

5 Replies


Can a political figure's change of stance, like moving from supportive to critical of another politician, affect your trust in their sincerity or decision-making?


 @9H65JXP from Missouri answered…10mos10MO

This question is timeless and very relevant to every election - unlike the many questions here about settled political issues like NAFTA (Replaced), the Dakota Access Pipeline (Dead, last I heard), and the Trans-Pacific Partnership (Dead).

Disagreeing with @9H5WV7Y61%, on the extremely small chance that that comment influenced this website's decision making process.

 @BrightPie from California commented…10mos10MO

A month from now these donors will announce they aren't really "with" Trump, but are just letting him insert the tip.

 @KnowledgeCockatoofrom Maine commented…10mos10MO

Donors are at least switching to a candidate already in the race as their savior instead of fantasizing about a guy like Youngkin jumping in to save them. I guess that’s progress.


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