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7 Replies

 @9GX6BPB from North Carolina commented…10mos10MO


I think it's despicable how Israel is killing innocent people in Gaza, mainly the children. It is confirmed that Israel has wiped out over 40 bloodline generations in Palestine. It's also heartbreaking to see the unfortunate situation of the injured and deceased people in Gaza. The atrocities Israel is commiting in Gaza should be talked about not only in politics but also at schools to raise awareness. The people of high political should vote Cease-fire against the Palestinian Genocide and support aids to Palestine, instead of Israel. I don't hate Israel or the Jewish people. But by all means, I do not support what they're doing to Palestine. People are blind to the truth that Israel had started doing this since the late 1947.

 @9GX5R7B from Ohio commented…10mos10MO

 @9GX5NRR from Ohio commented…10mos10MO

 @9GX34QB from Texas commented…10mos10MO

I think Israel and Gaza are both doing very terrible things that need to be stopped.

 @9GX2D6M from California commented…11mos11MO

 @9GWZNQLfrom Virgin Islands commented…11mos11MO


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