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Israel Amassing Fleets Of Tanks On Northern Border Of Gaza

 @SwiftDomfrom Maryland commented…11mos11MO

The land battle between 2 asymmetric forces will be in guerrilla mode so the tactics will be different and victory will never be determined by the number of soldiers or tanks therefore the IDF Will face the ghosts who will strike and disappear with many surprises

 @Partis4nPlatypusSocialistfrom Indiana commented…11mos11MO

Israel really wants to take it to the next level, so they don’t really care about their own citizens any more than they do of Palestinians in Gaza. They couldn’t shred the Israeli constitution, so they’ll start escalate a war that could kill them all.

 @SwiftDomfrom Maryland commented…11mos11MO

Perhaps now Gaza will reconsider invading Israel, raping their wives and daughters, torturing their children, murdering their citizens and beheading people.

 @Bl4ckBoxMandrill from California commented…11mos11MO