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2 Replies

 @9FTNY46Republican from Florida agreed…7mos7MO

College affordability is at its lowest point in history, but the need for a college degree only increases. The weight of a degree, even an associate's degree, determines a job even at entry level. Low-income families know there aren't many options when choosing a college because they know the need to go to a cheaper one and take out the dreaded student loans is the only option left. Free college gives everyone the chance at higher education and allows for our people to flourish with knowledge, to bring up the average for those who take the chance to learn because they have the choice but also for those who don't.

 @9FTP5BPIndependent from Florida agreed…7mos7MO

I agree with this comment about free college for all. Students should have the right to pursue a higher education regardless of their background and income records. If we gave free education for those students we would be highly advanced in today's technology with people's potential. Become more educated and be civilized which can reduce violence and unacceptable behaviors in public.


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