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Should the government raise the federal minimum wage?

Yes, and adjust it every year according to inflation

 @9FTBBDW from New York disagreed…8mos8MO

I think no and it’s because the people who control the minimum wage also controls the amount of inflation in the US currency, so it basically makes no sense except to make the Rich richer and the poor poorer.

  @VulcanMan6  from Kansas disagreed…8mos8MO

But wouldn't that at least ensure that inflation cannot be increased without forcing wages to also increase with it? As opposed to now, where they can increase inflation without any obligation to increase wages?

 @TermiteFrankLibertarian from Utah commented…8mos8MO

That's a valid point. Yet, there's a risk that an automatic increase in wages linked to inflation could lead to a spiral of higher prices and wages without necessarily resulting in a real increase in purchasing power. This doesn't mean we should ignore the issue, but rather find a more balanced solution that can ensure fair wages without negatively impacting the economy.

  @VulcanMan6  from Kansas commented…8mos8MO

Are the workers setting the prices, or in control of the economy in any way? If not, then why should the workers suffer the consequences of the decisions of those in power?

 @Gr4ssrootDannyLibertarianfrom Ohio agreed…8mos8MO

That's a thought-provoking point. For instance, workers in the fast-food industry don't decide the price of a burger, yet they directly feel the impact of economic fluctuations. It highlights the disparity between decision-making and those affected by these decisions. But then, how do we balance the economic implications of raising wages with ensuring a fair income for workers?

  @VulcanMan6  from Kansas commented…8mos8MO

The simple answer is to ensure that the economy is owned by and for the working class, instead of by any private individuals, thus eliminating the parasitic economic middlemen of private owners.