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9 Replies

 @PluckyFalconRepublican from Illinois commented…9mos9MO

CCP-Linked Battery Maker Eligible For $7.5 Billion In Biden Bucks, Analysis Finds

 @GenerousCockatooDemocrat from Colorado agreed…9mos9MO

UAW is extremely upset about the Biden administration promoting a lot of electric car manufacturing in lower-wage right-to-work states.

 @PluckyFalconRepublican from Illinois commented…9mos9MO

Nissan “set its wages to surpass the highest wages paid to Tier 2 workers in the Big Three, eliminating from the start perhaps the most effective union recruiting tool: the higher wages and better benefits enjoyed by union workers compared to nonunion workers.”

 @GenerousCockatooDemocrat from Colorado commented…9mos9MO

What’s great too is that it’s incentivizing investment in cars that no one wants without massive discounts

 @TruthfulJackalDemocrat from Texas commented…9mos9MO

So are they rejecting the Biden administration's support of the strikes or do they want that?

 @Gr4ssrootsNightingaleSocialist from New York commented…9mos9MO

This conclusion from an analysis of labor in postwar America, points to the coup by capitalism in eliminating "a combative class conscious industrial union movement," as the coup de grace for any hope of further union gains.

 @GrudgingCivilRightsSocialistfrom Pennsylvania agreed…9mos9MO

Suppressing resistance to low wages, speed-up and the reversal of past gains such as health care and pensions. Today, tier two workers at UAW-organized factories earn little more than the equivalent of the $5 a day Henry Ford paid his workers 90 years ago.

 @Gr4ssrootsNightingaleSocialist from New York commented…9mos9MO

Time to recognize, they DON’T CARE ABOUT YOU!!!!

 @GrudgingCivilRightsSocialistfrom Pennsylvania commented…9mos9MO

For those not paying attention, Democrats Inflation reduction act is going to provide funds to help Trumps Foxconn thrive in Wisconsin (making EV related parts).

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