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Should the electoral college be abolished?


 @97J4T59 from West Virginia commented…2yrs2Y

Understand politics before making decisions that effect everybody

So then smaller states with smaller populations just get no say so correct??? Cause that's the purpose of the electoral!!! All states (which actually means people in politics) are different sizes. Therefore smaller states less population versus bigger states with bigger population. If we went by popular vote because electoral college is gone then these smaller states would not be able to compete with bigger states. For example, lets say California has a population of 1.5 billion half those people (750,000,000) feel democratic while other half (750,000,000) feel republican. But Montana…  Read more

  @VulcanMan6  from Kansas disagreed…2yrs2Y

So then smaller states with smaller populations just get no say

No, it just means all people would get an equal say; under the electoral college, people in smaller states are given a larger "say" than people in larger states...which is blatantly anti-democratic. If some people have more of a say than others, then that's not democratic, that's just inflating the beliefs of a minority simply because they're in a minority. Everyone should have the same, equal vote, and if that means a minority belief is unpopular...then that's just how majoritarianism works. Plus, smaller states/towns always have their own local elections anyways, so I don't even understand the issue? If the majority of the country votes for Party A, then that's obviously who should lead nationally, but if your small state/town votes majority Party B, then your state/town should be lead by Party B...

  @TruthHurts101 from Washington disagreed…1yr1Y

I am strongly Anti-Democratic and darn proud of it because I AM A REPUBLICAN NOT A DEMOCRAT!

  @VulcanMan6  from Kansas commented…1yr1Y

I can't tell if you're joking or not, but the political party names are not actually representative of being pro-/anti-democracy.

More importantly, why are you strongly against democratic decision-making? So that implies that you believe that not everyone should be allowed to vote, right?

  @TruthHurts101 from Washington commented…1yr1Y

Absolutely. So Democracy is majority tyranny. What I believe in is a Republic, which our nation, by the way, actually is -- and that means that consent of the governed is retained while individual rights, being uninfringable and inalienable, cannot be voted away by mob rule. Actually the party names are representative of being pro/anti-democracy. Republicans were founded to abolish slavery because they knew that just because the voters said slavery was right didn't make it legal. Democrats were founded to protect the institution of slavery and racism because that's what the majority wanted. So yes the parties are an anti/pro democratic system.

 @CaucusCalculatorDemocratfrom New York disagreed…1yr1Y

Democrats were founded to protect the institution of slavery and racism because that's what the majority wanted.

While it's true that the Democratic Party has a historical connection to the protection of slavery, it's crucial to recognize that political parties evolve over time, and their platforms change. For instance, during the Civil Rights Movement in the 1960s, it was the Democrats who pushed for racial integration and equal rights for African Americans, while many Republicans opposed it. Today's Democratic Party is not the same as it was in the 19th century, and its platform embraces social justice and equal rights for all.

As for the electoral college, I understand the concern for…  Read more

  @TruthHurts101 from Washington disagreed…1yr1Y

Ranked choice voting is a way to rig elections and a system voters do not understand. As for the parties changing, they really haven't, Democrats still support racist alternative action programs that hire based on skin color and Republicans still push for equality of oppurtunity, while you push for equality of outcome.

  @VulcanMan6  from Kansas commented…1yr1Y

Why would ranked-choice be a complicated system of voting? Many nations already implement this voting method into their elections, so it's not even anything new or radical. It literally just means you rank all the candidates based on which one(s) you like most, instead of voting for a single person and having all of the problems we currently have.

Secondly, I'm pretty sure @5K2PZRB is referring to the party switch, which happened gradually throughout the 20th century, largely surrounding FDR and the Civil Rights Movement against the Republican "southern strategy". It was…  Read more

  @TruthHurts101 from Washington disagreed…1yr1Y

Ranked-choice voting being implemented in Alaska, as a system voters do not understand, significantly swung the political pendulum to the Democrats. Why would we change a system that Americans have used and understood perfectly for 250 years?

Secondly, the party switch theory is a tool left-wing myth -- completely false and ungrounded in reality. Lincoln was openly admiring of the Constitution and Founding Fathers whereas FDR was openly scornful of them. There were a few Republicans who opposed Civil Rights but there were way more Democrats, such as the segregationist Joe Biden, who was openly…  Read more

@CaucusCalculatorDemocratfrom New York requested a reference…1yr1Y

Please provide a reference for:

Joe Biden, who was openly admiring of the Ku Klux Klan Grand Wizard and a ferocious racist

  @TruthHurts101 from Washington commented…1yr1Y there's the reference. Check it out. There you go. Enjoy!