Try the political quiz

185 Replies


Have you ever had to stand up for a friend who was being discriminated against, and what did that experience teach you?

 @9JQ3HPW from Texas answered…4mos4MO

That treating someone differently just because they like the same gender is a horrible thing to do, no matter on your religion everybody should respect the other and period.

 @9JQLTH3 from Texas agreed…4mos4MO

People’s feelings towards other people and about their own gender identities is something that shouldn’t be treated as if it’s bad. It’s not a choice for these people, and to discriminate against other humans over something they cannot help is horrible.

 @9JQ4BXM from New York answered…4mos4MO

I've never really been in a situation like this but if i was I would stand up for whoever is being discriminated against.

 @9JRCF9D from Iowa agreed…4mos4MO

when I was 10 I was in a store with a friend and the man behind the counter started to follow us while we looked for snacks, and when we did find something we wanted he told us we "better not try to hide something in our pockets because he knows we'd try something" but we we're 10 years old

 @9JR8HYX  from New York answered…4mos4MO

Yes, I have, mostly to family members with more conservative views. Those experiences have mostly taught me that not all minds can be changed, and we should all just be ourselves regardless of what people around us think, as long as we are not harming anybody.

 @9JQ3JCCDemocrat from Ohio answered…4mos4MO

Of course I have, I completely disagree with that topic. No one should be discriminated against for just being who they are.


What personal experiences have shaped your views on the importance of diversity and inclusion in society?

 @9JPCMS8 from Illinois answered…4mos4MO

I am a trans man and i think we need to teach students when they are young about tolerance, due to the fact that intolerance is taught not something you are born with.

 @9JQ6H8KLibertarianfrom Montana agreed…4mos4MO

kids aren’t born with hate towards specific groups they are influenced by their environment and people around them beliefs

 @9JQVCFL from Arizona agreed…4mos4MO

Because no one is born racist and being taught that would help with being connected to the community

 @9JQ6FT7Socialist from Minnesota agreed…4mos4MO

I am transgender and have studied psychology. It is true that people are born with a tendency to mistrust those that are different from us, while also having pro-social tendencies to those who are more similar to us. Teaching kids about this tendency is important so they are less likely to be violent or intolerant of others.

 @9JQ5FYWPeace and Freedom from California answered…4mos4MO

People are free to believe in whatever they want to believe in, but do not try to influence others. Kids should know about LGBTQ things and be tolerant.


Everyone is allowed to have their own opinion, but do not influence others and brainwash into making them think that a certain side is right, they should be able to think freely without outside influence or pressure.

 @9JPCMV6 from Illinois answered…4mos4MO

People are free to believe in whatever they want to believe in, but do not try to influence others. This includes children. They should not be taught about LGBTQ things. Should be focused on real life things such as writing letters, how taxes work, how to write a check, etc.

 @9L4MR96 from Wisconsin disagreed…2mos2MO

LGBTQ+ issues are just as important as how to write a check. Writing a check is becoming less and less common, whereas the acceptance on LGBTQ+ people is going up. It being thought in school is important to ensure that a marginalized group doesn't gain even more prejudice.

 @9JQ4VHB from Kansas answered…4mos4MO

People are confused when they meet me, or flat-out being ignorant. I think inclusivity would help relieve some of that. I'm not saying to do it in a way that we are forcing others to like us, but in a way to help them understand that we aren't trying to "groom" their children.


How does the idea of unconditional love play into your thoughts on relationships that may not fit traditional norms?

 @9JHNC2B from Ohio answered…4mos4MO

love is love and people should be able to love whoever they want

 @9JJXGPC from Minnesota disagreed…4mos4MO

Love comes from God and man has perverted this. This is also an excuse for pedophiles which is never acceptable.

  @9CJ6CB6 from Virginia commented…4mos4MO

It truly isn’t, there’s hard differences between the two, and the gate to pedophilia being legalized never opened.

 @9JJCTH5 from New York agreed…4mos4MO

I agree as long as its between to mutually consenting adults. or mutually consenting minors. those should never cross btw. People should be free to love whoever they wat without judgement or discrimination.

 @9JHN8NR from New Jersey answered…4mos4MO

I think all love is valid as long as both parties consent and are of age

 @9JHSGLM from Indiana agreed…4mos4MO

There isn't much to say about this because it isn't really a complex question. If both parties fully consent and are of age, it isn't anybodies place to tell them what they can or cannot do.

 @9JHP2YD from Missouri answered…4mos4MO

religion shouldn't be in the voting system at all. No mater what religion it should be common sense. the only reason LGBT got banned in some states is because of religion.

 @9JHN9WJ from Florida answered…4mos4MO

Everyone is human and i dont really think it matters who we are romantically attracted to, love is love and we cant control who we love, so to use that against someone in a political stance just kind of debunks whatever they are saying as a politician because why are you as a politician who is supposed to be for the people, judging the said people who are supposed to put you in power.


Why do you think some people believe that being LGBT is a choice?

 @9HH85WWPeace and Freedom from Missouri answered…6mos6MO

I think people who aren't educated on this topic will have different views.

 @9HH7XR5  from Iowa answered…6mos6MO

Some people believe that being LGBT is a choice because of it being used to gain advantages such as men transitioning to women in order to gain a advantage in sports and also because seeing such a huge upsurge of people coming out makes it almost seem like a trend to some people for example huge amounts of people coming out as Bi even though they stay and always have been in heterosexual relationships.

 @9HH83W7 from South Dakota answered…6mos6MO

The reasoning for this is because no one can choose for another person whether their going to be straight or not. They can't change who they are and have to except who they are.

 @9HH85C9 from Iowa answered…6mos6MO

Because you choose who you are attracted to and you choose who you want to be with


What are your thoughts on the idea that love is love, regardless of gender?

 @9HH8YWDConstitution from Idaho answered…6mos6MO

let them do what they want if they tell me what to do or beleave I wont listen or support that group.


I think no matter what gender you are or what gender someone else is I think that they can love and have a relationship with whoever they want.

 @9HH8J7J from Utah answered…6mos6MO

i think its weird that people make it there whole personality that they like the same gender


Have you ever changed a view or belief because it negatively affected someone you care about?

 @9JS8ZL5  from Florida answered…4mos4MO

yes, i have i was raised christian my entire life and when i had friends who were part of the lgbtq+ i realized no matter what i still loved these people and it didnt change who they were as a person.

 @9JSQY5D from Nevada disagreed…4mos4MO

There is a difference between support and twisting your own life. If you change your beliefs off other people you are not your own person anymore.

 @9JS8ZL5 from Florida commented…4mos4MO

not true there are plenty of things that you can see differently and doesn’t mean ur twisting ur own life or beliefs.

 @9JS8JR2 from Minnesota answered…4mos4MO

no, I don't care about LGBTQ it's irrelevant, it's what they believe

 @9JSPCVP from Ohio disagreed…4mos4MO

It is what they believe, so you should be open minded to what they say. If they do not sway you then so be it, but it is their reality and their truth.


Yes, I was ant LGBTQ for a long time because I didn't understand it, but my brother and my cousin are both trans and I am sympathetic towards them and my view on it has shifted.


Yes, I had seen how many things hurt my friends that might have benefited me, and changed my stance.


How might your life be different if you were unable to express your true self freely?

 @9JHMZLK from Ohio answered…4mos4MO

I would feel that I would have less freedom and be uncomfortable expressing myself.

 @9JLC45BLibertarian from Virginia agreed…4mos4MO

we live in a free country. we can disagree on certain topics and ideas. We should be penalized for that

 @9JJNJZS from North Carolina answered…4mos4MO

If I wasn't able to express myself freely I would feel very uncomfortable in my everyday life because I would be having to change who i am as a person[.

 @9JHN2KF from Illinois answered…4mos4MO


How would you approach a conversation with someone who holds a strong anti-LGBT viewpoint?


In what ways could accepting LGBT individuals potentially strengthen, rather than weaken, societal morals?