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6 Replies

 @9JQ3HPW from Texas answered…8mos8MO

That treating someone differently just because they like the same gender is a horrible thing to do, no matter on your religion everybody should respect the other and period.

 @9JQLTH3 from Texas agreed…8mos8MO

People’s feelings towards other people and about their own gender identities is something that shouldn’t be treated as if it’s bad. It’s not a choice for these people, and to discriminate against other humans over something they cannot help is horrible.

 @9JQ4BXM from New York answered…8mos8MO

I've never really been in a situation like this but if i was I would stand up for whoever is being discriminated against.

 @9JRCF9D from Iowa agreed…8mos8MO

when I was 10 I was in a store with a friend and the man behind the counter started to follow us while we looked for snacks, and when we did find something we wanted he told us we "better not try to hide something in our pockets because he knows we'd try something" but we we're 10 years old

 @9JQ3JCCDemocrat from Ohio answered…8mos8MO

Of course I have, I completely disagree with that topic. No one should be discriminated against for just being who they are.

 @9JR8HYX  from New York answered…8mos8MO

Yes, I have, mostly to family members with more conservative views. Those experiences have mostly taught me that not all minds can be changed, and we should all just be ourselves regardless of what people around us think, as long as we are not harming anybody.


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