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4 Replies

 @942JMM2Democrat from Indiana commented…2yrs2Y

Thats why we have a police force

 @945G4NTRepublican  from Kansas commented…2yrs2Y

Are the police with you in your home when someone breaks in? Is there normally a police officer walking with you down a dark street? No.

A firearm is a tool that allows individuals to assert a human right to protect their life, those of their loved ones, and those of strangers if they so choose.

Police forces are great assets when they can get to a scene of an emergency in time. However, there are many instances crimes unfold before a call to 911 can even be placed. Such as, after someone is hurt, after a home invasion, after an armed robbery, etc. That's no shade toward law enforcement.…  Read more

 @96BQVN9 from Minnesota commented…2yrs2Y

 @9TYJFHK from Illinois disagreed…3wks3W

#1 Expert Gun Control

The police have no legal duty to protect the populace, let alone any specific individual.

Police officers have murdered, framed, and abused several innocent persons.

In many cities, police responses are usually slower than pizza orders.

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