You believe in a classless society where wealth and resources are distributed equally among all citizens, leading to a harmonious and prosperous community.
Communism is a political ideology that advocates for a classless society where all property is publicly owned, and each person works and is paid according to their abilities and needs. The concept of communism originated from Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels in the mid-19th century, as outlined in their famous work, "The Communist Manifesto." They argued that society's history was a history of class struggles, and that the proletariat, or working class, would eventually rise up against the bourgeoisie, or capitalist class, to establish a communist society.
Communism is…
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Can a society truly progress without competition, and what would progress look like to you in such a society?
Society needs competition to thrive, because without it there would be no incentive to make forward progress. Communism takes away that aspect of competing for wealth, property, things of personal significance.
One’s personal wants are the main focus instead. When your needs are met, you can worry about your wants, your life, and the prosperity of those you care for, instead of trying to make ends meet. If we shared our ideas, knowledge, and resources, we’d supercharge innovation as long as any positive incentive exists. The profit would simply be less.
No because we need competition to push us to grow and learn.
I believe that capitalism should be allowed to an extent because people should all be appointed the same opprotunities for education and to get a job, but no one should get more opprotunities than others. And taxes should still allow for a living wage wherever one is and whatever job one has. Progress is when a society is better at being successful personally while aiding those who are less fortunate.
if done right it is the best method but it will never be done right
What does 'fairness' mean to you when it comes to dividing wealth among people?
Equal wealth, without much context, seems like a nice thing. In practice, it doesn't seem very ethical. People should be paid according to how hard they work, but people with moderately easy jobs should still be able to make a living.
Well yeah, hence why most socialists aren't really "tax the rich!" types. At least, most of the ones that know what they're talking about.
If we're talking about "real" socialism and not the "oh I love the nordic countries they're a socialist utopia!" social democracy, then the question isn't about wealth, it's about ownership. Who controls and own the productive property (i.e. the factories and other infrastructure we use to make goods and stuff).
"People should be paid according to how hard they work." And that's the… Read more
Fairness means those who work hard should earn a higher pay. Those who do not work hard earn a lower pay
Fairness means those who work hard should earn a higher pay. Those who do not work hard earn a lower pay
Everyone and I mean everyone is well within the money-earning range of each other not everyone is paid exactly equal as that would be unfair to those who risk their lives but, everyone is treated equally and expected of equally.
Considering its incredible track record of success and the prosperous, free, and happy societies, how can you not be a communist? As anyone with any understanding of history knows, the Soviet Union was a happy and blessed land where nothing bad ever happened and everyone held hands and sang Kumbaya. Even more miraculous, it was Russians who did that it! Imagine Russians singing Kumbaya? Seriously, Communism was a miracle. Fascists and racists say it's responsible for the massacre of hundreds of millions of innocent human beings and the impoverishment and enslavement of over a billion more. But they're wrong, because ... well, never mind they're wrong. They're just wrong.
@Renaldo-MoonGreen 4mos4MO
The Soviet Union was not actually communist, it was bolshevism which is radically different from communism particularly in the fact that once Stalin took over it was a fascist dictatorship...
In what ways do you think equality in wealth would change the kinds of dreams and goals people pursue?
I don't believe everyone should be equal because then no one will want to be better or do great things
How would it disincentive people to do great things. I would argue if people have their basic needs met that they would try and do great things without the risk of losing their home
everyone would have a fair chance to achieve their dreams
Is it my job to? I'm just a regular Joe Shmoe with a specialty that is not political bull **** . We pay taxes and elect people who are supposed to do the research and make these rational choices on our behalf. Why dont YOU give me the deets? I am worrying about supporting my child and surviving thanks to **** y *** govt and the **** y *** people who run it. I dont have the LUXURY of having time to research something other than ways to make money that dont violate my moral code.
Equality being prioritized can lead to more job oppertunity leading to more governement funding
I feel like it would change the social parties and how people view others.
How would you stay motivated in your education or job if your efforts didn't lead to personal financial gain but benefited society as a whole?
i would not be very motivated to work if it didn't lead to personal benifit
I would pursue my dream career, and I wouldn't have to worry about how much it pays.
I would not agree in some point because I am just helping the society but I am not doing if for myself neither receving something that helps me.
I simply wouldn't as that's not the way I operate. I work only for my beneficial gain and for those I hold dear to me
Could the removal of wage disparities lead to a stronger sense of community, and in what ways?
No, it will always end with a certain group having more while doing the same or maybe even less.
If there wasn't any wage disparities of course the community would be strengthened. The ways it would be strengthened would be less crime probably but it will also lead to people going back to like a barter system for trade.
How would you feel if earning more was not an option, no matter how hard you worked?
I think that would be a very bad idea because everybody should get the amount of stuff that they work for.
I would be mad if earning more was not an option no matter how hard you worked cause I feel that a person should be able to get rasies if they are working harder and showing intrest in their jobs more than others they should be rewarded for hard work.
I think that there should be a cap on the amount of money a person can make, however, there should still be room for promotion and pay raises so that people will still have the motivation to work hard.
I would be mad because if I'm doing extra work and working hard I should be able to earn more
Imagine a world without billionaires; how do you think this would affect innovation and technological advancement?
Billionaires should not exist. Under capitalism, this should be enforced by a maximum wage, and very high minimum wages. But capitalism should be replaced completely with Socialism.
if everyone is making the same money there is no incentive to find that next new thing or offer the best in service. you would have a batch of lazy people just waiting on their check to get a new box of fudge rounds.
If there were no billionaires in the world then I feel we wouldn't be as advance as we are, because very smart individuals who have money made some of the inventions we use today.
Communism hasn’t really worked before. A world without billionaires would be a world with a lower wealth-ceiling, but it may also lower the amount of determination throughout the overall economy. The economy is inherently a competition, the American economy, so taking the competition away and giving everyone a medal would be a massive adjustment for the majority of Americans. Communism is a nice idea on paper, but the real-world and human factors of our nation make it not so appealing or realistic.
Saying that communism accross the wolrd has not lied is such a non statement, no communist or socialist state was ever given a fair chance to survive or work alone as a country without america trying to end their existence, the only people that would be negatively affected by socialism in america would be the humongously wealthy corporations who oppress their workers and harm the people who have to exist in a capitalist system.
I think it would affect innovation and technological advancements in so many different ways.
Would you find more satisfaction in work if you knew it directly helped others instead of increasing personal wealth, and why?
I do find satisfaction to help others instead of increasing my personal
I wouldn't be more satisfied working if I knew it wouldn't increase my wealth because it is my work and not other people's work.
Absolutely, because knowing how your work helps others is essential for wellbeing
If it directly helped others. If all my needs were met and I was in no way struggling for myself I would rather help others in need.
If you weren't working to earn money, how much more or less time would you devote to helping others?
Probably not a lot but some time would go into it.
I would devote a lot of time helping others. However I despise communism in all its forms.
Probably more if I had the opportunity. If one’s survival isn’t on the line, I’d probably be more supportive of the “hustle” mentality.
Do you think human nature can adapt to a cooperative model of labor without personal financial incentives, and why?
No, those who feel they work harder than others will always feel entitled to receive more. Communism is a concept and will never work.
It's not that black and white; some people have the ability to work harder than others but they don't all believe they are entitled to more because they can do more. That answer is too simplistic
No, because it's in the nature of most people to do the least for the most which would lead to no one doing anything.
No, without good and proper government regulation depending on the government, I think it could become hell.
What is "Human Nature" Anyway?
Human nature is kind of a nebulous term that ignores that humans don't exist in a vacuum, embedded with some hard-coded "nature" that tells them exactly how to act and react, like we were inherently rational and, more importantly, as though we weren't shaped by our surroundings.
Is it "human nature" to be acquisitive? Definitely. Even a society built on common ownership would contend with this. We are, after all, still just animals looking out for our survival. But capitalism is very *different* from the sort of acquisitiveness that guarantees our survival. Past… Read more
If there were no financial incentives, what would motivate you to excel in your career or pursue higher education?
There wouldn't really be an incentive to excel as much, but there would still be an incentive to work hard in order to have a certain career later in life.
thee pursuit of knowledge, the function of society, and enjoying your job
Assuming a high trust society, trust in society. A certain degree of socialism would work in high trust societies, but not in the USA.
If there were no financial incentives, the only motivation for wanting to excel in my career is the joy I would get from pursuing in the career.
How might the concept of success be redefined in a society that focuses on communal prosperity?
I would assume they would base their "success" soley on their leaders decesions and not have their own formal mindsets.
i honestly don´t know enough about it to make a decision on this subject.
The concept of success could be redifined in a society that focuses on communal prosperity because it gives people the idea that as long as their community succeeds that is all that matters.
Would a world where everyone's job is aimed at contributing to the greater good, rather than personal gain, be inspiring or demotivating for you?
No because if I worked super hard and someone is slacking off i want better pay than them because that would be so annoying
This is inspiring to me. The word communism is obviously frowned upon today, but with all the turmoil in students minds this is innovative. In careful consideration of ones strengths and weaknesses, finding the right job is an easy task. Especially if in benefit for the country.
This may sound selfish but I would much rather work really hard and succeed in life and have goals and aspirations instead of working hard for something that doesn't really motivate me to excel and work really ahrd.
I think Communism has both a good and a bad side. One one hand, providing for your country would be inspiring and good, but on the other hand, if you never have an incentive to work harder, then you will stop working.
Is a society without any rich or poor people more just, or does it ignore individual effort and potential?
I think it is more just because everyone is treated equally, not based on how rich or poor you are, and the people get a say in anything that goes on. The government isn't a part of it, so many ideals and businesses won't be corrupted
It ignores individual effort because i everyone is equal no matter how hard they work why would anyone work hard.
While the idea of Communism sounds like a brilliant idea, it is more directive and controlled by the government than anything. It allows the government to shape the economy the way they want, such as in Cuba. Individual effort is more ideal, because everyone should earn what they work for, and get opportunities based on their skill levels, unless they are disabled or elderly.
bro everyone is equal , the system that has been implanted has made it hard very hard for a certain demographic of people to earn a large lumpsome of funding and money. many are also tricked into a low vibrational frequency causing them to feel separated from abundance, the "goverment" also made systematic racism a thing.. targeting certain people keeping them stuck in a lack mindset.
If there were no economic class distinctions, how might that change the way you form judgments about people you meet for the first time?
I'd like to think it wouldn't affect the way I see them. For new people my first look would be the way they act towards me.
If they were a good person and not a royal *** from the get go...
You can start respecting people more but it can decrease people want to work hard.
Can you imagine a world where your job choice is based purely on your capabilities and what society needs, rather than what pays the most?
@VulcanMan6 1yr1Y
Yes, that would be great.
I would much rather have a world in which I am institutionally encouraged to seek out a purpose in society based on the skills and qualities that I am good at, rather than being left to have to compete with everyone just to take whatever job I can find that can pay my bills, meanwhile some people make millions doing work that is detrimental to society or even for no work at all.
If people do what they want to do then they will perform better than if they are doing it for the money.
in my opinion everybody can decide what job wanna, we need jobs what we like it.
working with all one's energy, whole-hearted devotion to public duty, and quiet hard work will command respect
I can see it, if it becomes a huge issue and necessity for this then i say do the job thing but not communism. and only some people not all people.
In a system where everyone's material needs are met, what do you think would motivate people to excel or innovate?
Boredom, most people hate feeling bored. Most people need something new.
For the betterment of their community, people wouldn't be turned against each other in the name of survival.
If all your basic needs were provided by the community, how might you contribute to the betterment of society with your unique skills and passions?
Unsure of what skills I have that can be considered useful as I am unsure what would be required of me,
I would use my unique skills and passions to better the advancement of science and human knowledge
I would be part of the government and help any way that has to do with math.
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