Zkuste politický kvíz

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 @P9WPGP z Florida odpovězeno…4 roky4Y

 @P9VZ5X z Pennsylvania odpovězeno…4 roky4Y

The U.S. should only intervene in the affairs of other countries in cases of the national security of Americans and their allies, extreme human rights violations, or when specifically asked to by the international community. Until then, the U.S. should be involved with non-violent and diplomatic communications and should significantly reduce funding for the military, CIA, and NSA.

 @P9PL7R z Texas odpovězeno…4 roky4Y

No. We need to keep our military ready, but allow other nations to keep their own sovereignty. we also need to withdraw from the United Nations to keep our own sovereignty.

 @P9L8QN z Oregon odpovězeno…4 roky4Y

Many countries are of different cultures, and who are we to say that ours is the only correct one? So, NO, let us mind our own business and there will be peace in the world.

 @P7VPJZ z Washington odpovězeno…4 roky4Y

What is missing is leadership in the US. We have the capacity to help the world but we waste it because our corrupt politicians cling to the petroleum based economy and world conflict scenario. We could, through innovation and diplomacy, have the entire world as our friend and influence conflict by ending scarcity. It is a long term prospect but would be the best for our own security.

 @P6SMMY z Illinois odpovězeno…4 roky4Y

Only as a last resort when all other options have been exhausted. Then when military option is elected, keep politicians out of the War and let the Military claim when it's "over"

 @KZT7W3 z California odpovězeno…4 roky4Y

When there is direct to our National Security- and to our allies- but, at the same time hold other countries accountabile and responsible for their own security- moreover to adopt peaceful means; moreover- hold middle east governments accountable to leaders within their backyard accountable- and dismiss talk of hatred of the west through education