American politician and military officer (born 1981).
Here is how the average American voter rates this candidate on the following qualities.
4.7 from 61,074 voters
5.0 from 1,849 voters
5.0 from 1,956 voters
5.0 from 435 voters
4.9 from 1,823 voters
4.9 from 1,966 voters
4.9 from 467 voters
4.9 from 332 voters
4.9 from 1,849 voters
4.9 from 2,127 voters
4.9 from 2,128 voters
4.9 from 1,979 voters
4.8 from 496 voters
4.8 from 1,848 voters
4.8 from 1,850 voters
4.8 from 1,851 voters
4.8 from 1,844 voters
4.8 from 376 voters
4.8 from 1,848 voters
4.8 from 1,925 voters
4.8 from 1,942 voters
4.8 from 1,952 voters
4.8 from 2,084 voters
4.8 from 1,847 voters
4.7 from 1,848 voters
4.7 from 1,844 voters
4.7 from 1,850 voters
4.7 from 1,848 voters
4.7 from 1,946 voters
4.7 from 1,935 voters
4.7 from 1,862 voters
4.6 from 337 voters
4.5 from 1,849 voters
4.4 from 1,771 voters
4.3 from 1,847 voters
4.3 from 1,770 voters
4.2 from 1,848 voters
3.2 from 1,745 voters is the world’s most popular voting guide for citizens to find information about elections, political parties, candidates, voting districts and popular political issues in their country. We are independent and not affiliated with any investors, shareholders, political parties or interest groups.
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