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Other Popular Answers

Unique answers from America users whose views extended beyond the provided choices.

 @9MZ5DNW from Massachusetts answered…7 days7D

No, they should invest in public transportation like buses, trains, and subways

 @9MYQ475 from New York answered…7 days7D

Regardless, the government should invest in more walkable cities and public transportation.

 @9MYKLBQ from New Jersey answered…1wk1W

 @9MY56NM from Missouri answered…1wk1W

No, the the government should subsidize public transportation, not private companies

 @9MTZNC4 from North Carolina answered…1wk1W

Yes, but don’t subsidize the services themselves lest the funds be misused. Instead provide incentives to consumers to make use of ride-sharing services in areas where public transportation is inefficient

 @9MSNM83 from Virginia answered…1wk1W

No, I think transportation accessibility it a critical contemporary right, but is better addressed through Jaunt programs, public transportation subsidies, and incentivizing employers to provide ride-share programs & other transport services.

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