Yes, create a simple path to citizenship for immigrants with no criminal record
No, fine companies that employ illegal immigrants
Yes, but only if they pay taxes
No, remove them from the U.S.
No, but allow them to stay

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 @migval2000from Texas answered…4yrs4Y

Yes, but include stay at home moms also? They key word is "temporary" amnesty. To those opposed of amnesty, we already have it (Cubans touch US soil and can stay) If we implement amnesty and illegals don't behave under outlined regulations, they will get deported. 90% of illegals don't want handouts. How many illegals do you see on the corner asking for change? (I have never seen one) Now how many do you see asking for work? (Lots) They want to work, to better themselves and their families!

 @4Q4HBM9from California answered…4yrs4Y

How about we make a simpler worker visa program. Violate and you can never apply again

 @5MXRPQXfrom Connecticut answered…4yrs4Y

Why should someone who broke our law be given amnesty. Does that mean I can break a US law and not be penalized? They should be deported and then apply to come back legally. If a child of illegal immigrants is born in the US, that child should be considered an illegal as well. Giving illegals amnesty is unfair to all the people who are waiting to enter legally.

 @5KHT8S2from Illinois answered…4yrs4Y

Yes, create a simple path to citizenship for immigrants with no criminal record and they pay back taxes or a fee.

 @4QRT7BRfrom Illinois answered…4yrs4Y

The reason FDR, HST and DDE deported illegal immigrants (and their kids) was that Americans were looking for work. Americans don't need to be competing with illegal immigrants for their jobs.

 @4TCS7JCfrom Kansas answered…4yrs4Y

An open border policy would allow worker's to enjoy the right to come work in the US without fear of breaking any immigration laws. This would take away the need for any amnesty.

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