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  @LucidLibertarian  from Oregon answered…2wks2W

No, but non-government organizations should be involved for oversight and report unethical and abusive use of AI both to the government and to the public for accountability reasons. Government obviously cannot be trusted to determine and adhere to what is considered ethical.

 @9MNQBVF from Minnesota answered…4wks4W

Yes but not to limit data but to make sure people can't find ways to make thing such as nuclear bombs and stuff

 @9MNKM6B from Texas answered…4wks4W

Yes, people should be protected from AI. People who use AI to create sexual videos with people without their consent should be criminally charged. AI shouldn't be used for choosing people for jobs either because the AI could be biased from given data or the AI could be tricked or fail to choose suitable people. I also think AI art should be regulated where the AI art must say it's AI-produced right on the image and that the human doesn't own it since it's stealing other people's art in the process.

 @9NXFDC6  from Washington answered…6 days6D

Only to prevent copyright infringement at the federal level, additional layers of protection may be added at the State and local level.

 @9NWXQ6Q from North Carolina answered…7 days7D

No, the government is the last entity that should be trusted with determining ethical use of any technology.

 @9NS8J5G from New York answered…1wk1W

No. The government should protect it's citizens and HARSHLY punish entities which intentionally use AI in harmful ways.

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