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Other Popular Answers

Unique answers from America users whose views extended beyond the provided choices.

 @9NH4KTR from Massachusetts answered…2wks2W

invest more in high speed rail to limit the number of cars on the road and implement parking control

 @9N295MR  from Nevada answered…3wks3W

No, and toll roads should be abolished and we must allow everyone to use those roads for free. it's the only way we can continue to move forward building more roads & bridges with gov't subsidies eliminating traffic for gold especially in New York City.

 @9MM7KVZ from Minnesota answered…4wks4W

  @B.W.-Byars  from South Carolina answered…6 days6D

Yes, but only if implemented with safeguards to ensure affordability and equity for low-income drivers and communities. Revenue should be invested in improving public transportation options to create more accessible and affordable alternatives.

 @9NVYZJQfrom Ohio answered…7 days7D

Fixing/changing the transportation system mostly to increase urban (walking, biking, etc) transport methods will prevent this from being an issue entirely thus removing a need for congestion management in busy areas.

 @9NVT747 from New York answered…1wk1W

No. NYC is trying this right now and it is only hurting local businesses without proper public transportation access.

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