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 @9NF7Y8N from California answered…2wks2W

Yes but only to maintain rate ranges based on local wages, public resources and allows for reasonable profits to owners.

 @9L4Z23B  from Pennsylvania answered…4wks4W

 @9MKWNW4 from Illinois answered…4wks4W

There needs to be a fair balance between rent prices and the local cost of living. Rent control may not be the best option.

 @9NXTZNC from Washington answered…6 days6D

Yes if people are buying multiple houses for rental properties. large apartment complexes for low income and middle income should be priced accordingly to local area minimum wage, health care, and taxes. not to exceed 40% of the average income in those brackets. and incentives for those complexes who are below the rate in order to allow upkeep.

 @9NXRGFB from Ohio answered…6 days6D

Yes, and the government should implement more policies which make being a residential landlord undesirable.

 @9NXP8Z9 from Oregon answered…6 days6D

For 1. If they own the property its none of the government's business and 2. That should only apply to subsidized housing.

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