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 @9K99V29  from Florida answered…1mo1MO

Yes, as long as it's only shared with regulators and not the public except in the cases of harm or abuse

 @9MNGKL2 from Indiana answered…4wks4W

 @9NW325F from California answered…7 days7D

Tech companies' algorithms have complex, unresearched effects on the people and should be monitored by independent teams that are staffed by a diverse set of people who have humanity-centered goals. Tech companies often do not consider the impact of their technologies on smaller, marginalized population since the nature of technology is creating benefits that increases the average person's life quality. Regulators of technology will have an almost impossible, but necessary role of safeguarding people's current life quality and striking a delicate balance between doing what is right (obligatory) and what is good (desirable, not necessarily obligatory). Companies should share their algorithms and methodologies on a case-by-case basis, as deemed necessary by the regulatory committee.

 @9NVYZDY from Illinois answered…7 days7D

Only if the tech company is involved in weapons, artificial intelligence or security. In medical research, economic and social networks no

 @9NVWVNGfrom Maine answered…7 days7D

As long as regulators don't have any relations with competitor companies and they're also unable to trade on stock market

 @9NS8J5G from New York answered…1wk1W

No. But if large tech companies are intentionally targeting minors, knowingly jeopardizing their health, they should be heavily penalized - a second offense should result in penalties so harsh they likely can not stay in business - and any awards won, should be distributed to programs which encourage minors to get out and exercise or play sports or anything NOT involving looking at a phone or tablet.

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