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 @9JMJNQL from Washington answered…5mos5MO

In an ideal world this would work but I don't think this is realistic because both sides have expressed a disliking of that solution (especially Palestine)

 @9JM2KPY from Maryland answered…5mos5MO

I believe in a two-state solution if Gaza is temporarily under the control of Israel for the reconstruction process to ensure that another Anti-Semitic or terrorist organization is not elected as their government.


Hamas is a terrorist organization that rapes and murders Jews, and is committed to the mass slaughter of all Jews. Hamas should be obliterated, and a moderate government put in place.

 @9JLXDP9 from Tennessee answered…5mos5MO

I think that a two-state solution to the conflict could be made possible under new Palestinian leadership, as long as Hamas is not given any type of control.

 @9KCS2Y4 from New York answered…4mos4MO

I don't believe this will do much help. Palestinians may be okay with this agreement, but Hamas just wants to exterminate the Jews, and this "solution" will not diminish their hatred.

 @9JYSL9L from New Jersey answered…4mos4MO

This question makes no sense because Hamas/Palestine is fighting to have a 1 state in the region without Jews.

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