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Both equally

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 @9G8PKTQ from Texas answered…8mos8MO

Neither. It is not our responsibility to defend every country unless it is a member of NATO.

 @9HB5MKV from North Carolina answered…7mos7MO

I sympathize with the innocent civilians caught in the crossfire on both sides, but politically, the governments on both sides are deeply flawed. Both need to be altered before real peace can become an option

 @9GNRK3L from Washington answered…8mos8MO

I think coming to a peaceful solution would be best. I do not support the Israeli government, but I also don't support Hamas's actions.

 @9G6Y6KR from Arkansas answered…8mos8MO

Hamas should be destroyed - enough is enough! However, there are many innocent Palestinians caught in the middle, and a full-scale Israeli invasion of Gaza could result in the death of many of those innocents. I'm very torn on this one.

 @9G77RS9 from Washington answered…8mos8MO

Hamas is in the wrong for attacking non-combatants. Israel is in the wrong for creating a concentration camp and isolating Palestinians. Hamas and Palestine are not equivalent.

 @9G67FT2 from Illinois answered…8mos8MO

the israel v gaza war i side with the people who are being negitivly effected (jews) because they are being tortured and killed just because of their religion

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