Yes, but only for horrific crimes with undeniable evidence
No, too many people are innocently convicted
Yes, but the victim’s family should decide the punishment
No, spending life in prison is a harsher sentence

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 @cryingleftist from Texas answered…4yrs4Y

 @8CGS9HS from New Jersey answered…4yrs4Y

 @4WVPX4Lfrom Virginia answered…4yrs4Y

No. Some people deserve to die. In fact, let's expand it to include child molesters, corrupt politicians, and the jerk who steals my parking space.

 @4Z3Q5XRfrom California answered…4yrs4Y

Yes and all death row prisoners should give up all rights and we should use body parts of all death row convicts as needed to save the lives of law abiding citizens

 @4WVVP9Gfrom Ohio answered…4yrs4Y

 @5BPWZYZfrom Ohio answered…4yrs4Y

Those who are for the death penalty are hypocritical. You are killing someone because they killed someone.... you are punishing them for a crime that you are committing by killing them. And if you kill that person they don't have to live with the wrongs they have done. Spending life in prison is way more harsh then killing them.

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