Yes, as long as it does not threaten violence
No, freedom of speech laws should only protect you from criticizing the government
Yes, because I don’t trust the government to define the boundaries of hate speech
No, and increase penalties for hate speech

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Other Popular Answers

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 @8LS9RRX from New Jersey answered…4yrs4Y

It depends on the intention. Is it to incite violence or harm against other or simply articulate an injustice or anger at a circumstance?

 @8G89YS2from Maine answered…4yrs4Y

I don't have enough knowlegde about this subject, but I don't believe hate speech is okay.

 @8KJL7SD from Utah answered…4yrs4Y

this is a very iffy subject it depends on what the government considers hate speech

 @8JPJYNC from Wyoming answered…4yrs4Y

It depends on what the government defines as hate speech. Sometimes what people say can be misinterpreted. But if it's blatant hate speech, then no it shouldn't.

 @8CDJWPX from Kansas answered…4yrs4Y

Yes, as long as it is not coming from anyone in an official capacity and does not incite violence

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