Yes, term limits will increase performance and prevent corruption
No, officials gain valuable experience and become more effective representatives over time
Yes, and decrease their salary and retirement benefits
No, we already have term limits that are called “elections”
Yes, term limits for the House but not the Senate

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 @5JKTL66from Montana answered…4yrs4Y

That's a double edged sword, if you make the term too short they'll have to be even more corrupt to scam what ever they can from American tax payers. If you leave them in too long they can take their time screwing everyone. I just think they should be bi-annually audited by independent parties and the auditing company has to change each time. If the books and emails are missing or out of order the Congress member will have to pay for the extra time it takes to find those items. If too much is missing they would have to step down and be held under house arrest until the matter is resolved.

 @9BFDRTB from Oklahoma answered…1yr1Y

 @94JS63G from Florida answered…2yrs2Y

 @94JRGDH from Washington answered…2yrs2Y

 @94HXM8R from Virginia answered…2yrs2Y

No, but the percentage of votes required to win the election should be raised each time

 @8W2R7MS from Virginia answered…3yrs3Y

Allow states and districts to choose the term limits on their representatives.

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