Try the political quiz

Which political ideology do you most identify with?



Why do you think some people struggle to understand the concept of 'white privilege' and how would you explain it?

 @9KCLXDQ from Ohio answered…4mos4MO

I don't believe that white privilege is a thing. White people have been enslaved just like other races have been. (Ottoman Slave Trade) I think that black privilege is more of a thing in this country today, look at how much they can say and do. Black people can say racist things about white people and get away with it, but whites can't do that with black people.

 @9KD83SY from Pennsylvania disagreed…4mos4MO

Assuming you are a white person living in the USA what lasting effects does the Ottoman Slave Trade have on you? My guess (unless you are from the region your talking about) is basically none. That is not true for black people living in the USA. The same country that enslaved them and didn't give them full equal rights until 70 years ago still has yet to make good on the evil that was done to them. For the years prior to their emancipation and later gaining of civil rights they were effectively held back from building wealth, while the white man was able to get ahead, secure good jobs and build generational wealth. Black people were not afforded this ability and as a result we see a disproportionate number of black people in poverty today compared to white people.