Try the political quiz

5 Replies

 @9H4JHTW from New York answered…6mos6MO

I believe that liberalism has come a little too far especially in present days. Yes equality should be top tier but some ideology that has come up in present days and are praised by some people in schools. These new events that are being exposed to our children are opposites of the norm and we are accepting things that children shouldn't be introduced until they are mature.

 @9H4JFJ8 from Texas answered…6mos6MO

I believe that government intervention is necessary even if not ideal. There is not an ideal we can reach since humanity suffers with a lack of integrity. We are divided spiritually and ethically. The government in a democratic system was meant to represent the majority with the idea that the most people possible will benefit. Therefore, I would hope there would be intervention if necessary since they have structure and consistent rules. Without government intervention, we are at the whim of the changing passions and spiritual explorations of various groups.

 @9KHVTGM from Colorado answered…3mos3MO


If there is no government, then people will be hurting others and denying them their civil rights

 @9H4JD9K from Oklahoma answered…6mos6MO

No, in our current society, the government is necessary in upholding and maintaining human rights.

 @9H46F8M from Texas answered…7mos7MO

No. Government invlovement needs to be present in order for change to occur within our constitutional laws.