Try the political quiz

570 Replies


How much influence do you believe citizens should have over laws that govern them compared to elected officials?

 @9LM72RB  from Washington answered…2mos2MO

The people should decide what the people are allowed or required to do. The few controlling the many never goes well for anyone.

 @9LM7KRG  from Montana commented…2mos2MO

The entire concept of the United States is that the people control the government, not the other way around, so having more power to the government than the people is backwards to the ideals of the United States.

 @9LLKN96 from Florida answered…2mos2MO

Citizens should have a huge say in what laws govern them, that is why it’s so important for people to vote.

 @9LLLLP8 from Mississippi commented…2mos2MO

 @9LM7S94  from Texas answered…2mos2MO

I feel that both are important, but their should be allowed town hall meeting for the nation where people can share their ideas on laws.

 @9LMPRQN from Pennsylvania commented…2mos2MO


A lot more, regular people deserve more of a say in what affects THEM and what happens to THEM, elected officials are privileged and find ways around the law, run from it, and get away with things easier than a regular citizen. Citizens are the ones who will be affected and they deserve to have the most say in what exactly happens to them.

 @9LSTL5G from Washington agreed…2mos2MO

this is true, classism is very much still a thing and just because when someone who has a fancy job and commits a crime and gets always with it when a young person who has no job, no money commits a crime they’re a criminal

 @9LST356Democrat from Hawaii disagreed…2mos2MO

Elected officials are elected for that reason. If they do not do what they are elected to do then elect someone else next elections.


Can you recall a time when you saw the benefits of having a diversity of candidates in an election, even at the school level?

 @9J4X5Z5 from Pennsylvania answered…5mos5MO

I have never encountered anything like this in the schools I have been to because I have been to public schools

 @9J4XYX9Independent from North Carolina answered…5mos5MO

i can see the benefit from having a diversity of candidates was when schools provided more technology for schools to make learning easier.

 @9J4WQ49 from Ohio answered…5mos5MO

One benefit I saw was that having diversity shows who people really are and can help me know who to associate with.

 @9J4WTNFSocialist from Ohio answered…5mos5MO

It is very stupid that this country is using a two-party system for a place with so many different kinds of people.


How would you explain the importance of checks and balances to someone your age?

 @9KFTXMF from California answered…4mos4MO

Not one branch of government has singular power, each branch is kept in check by the other. One cannot get away with violating the rights of the people (in theory).

 @9KFTGYP from North Carolina answered…4mos4MO

They are important to people my age because it is important for people to be well-educated on economics.

 @9KFTCM6Libertarian from Virginia answered…4mos4MO


How does participating in school elections make you feel about your role in bigger political processes?

 @9JKXM7Q from Pennsylvania answered…5mos5MO

I think its kinda boring and shouldn't be participating. Because the only time I did it was in 6th grade and had no idea who either candidates were.

 @9JKXJ26 from Texas answered…5mos5MO

 @9JKWQSW from Texas answered…5mos5MO

Citizen participation is one of the most important building blocks of civil society actions. The effectiveness of democracy depends on the capacity of citizens to influence policy development and implementation processes.


When you hear about environmental disasters in the news, how does it affect your perspective on your own environmental impact?

 @9L5CNMCDemocrat from Pennsylvania answered…3mos3MO

Makes me mad that bigger companies and the government don't address these problems.

 @9L8CZ3D from Connecticut agreed…3mos3MO

I think that some bigger companies who mass produce products which are made with non biodegradable material are doing so muh harm to the environemnt

 @9L5CNXH from Louisiana answered…3mos3MO

It affects my perspective on my own environmental impact by knowing that some people can change their views and don't.

 @9L5C3SRPeace and Freedom from Louisiana answered…3mos3MO


How do you reconcile the respect for authority with the need to question unfair practices within a democracy?

 @9HGJP9P from Missouri answered…6mos6MO

Authority is there to make sure no one goes crazy and starts breaking laws, but sometimes they can be just as corrupt as the rest of the people. There has to be a middle point where you put some faith in authority and listen to justifiable directions, but know when somethings wrong.

 @9HGGV7C from California answered…6mos6MO

I think there should be a relevant amount of abilities the authorities should have in order to keep society running, but other than that I think people should be allowed to challenge strange and unnecessary laws and practices in our country.

 @9HGJYBJ from Pennsylvania answered…6mos6MO

We need to repair the faith in the government on the government's end. They should assist the people more than themselves.

 @9HGJXQQ from Missouri answered…6mos6MO

Authority is there to make sure no one goes crazy and starts breaking laws, but sometimes they can be just as corrupt as the rest of the people. There has to be a middle point where you put some faith in authority and listen to justifiable directions, but know when somethings wrong.


How do you balance your personal freedom with responsibilities to others in your community or family?

 @9HYQJ4N from Maryland answered…5mos5MO

Liberal Democracy emphasizes the separation of powers so I believe I will share my political and personal freedom to an extent. while still serving my community with an open mind to everyone and learn the view points of others.

 @9HYPRTN from Colorado answered…5mos5MO

I put my responsibilities first, rather than personal freedom, because a responsibility means it was earned, appointed, or accepted. However, responsibilities to community and family does not mean any type of favor, because I still value my personal health.

 @9HYPZYJ from Hawaii answered…5mos5MO

Well I'm not sure because I'm not with a party I lean towards as of the moment.


What actions do you take to ensure your voice is heard in decisions that affect your life?

 @9HYPCC9 from Utah answered…5mos5MO

 @9HYQ53K from Louisiana answered…5mos5MO


Have you ever changed your opinion based on someone else's argument, and what did that teach you about the value of dialogue?

 @9HYQRG4 from California answered…5mos5MO

In liberal democracies, dialogue plays a crucial role. It allows for the exchange of diverse viewpoints and ideas, fostering understanding and often leading to more informed and balanced decisions. Through dialogue, individuals can challenge their own perspectives, consider new information, and understand the rationale behind differing opinions. This process is essential for the healthy functioning of a democracy, as it promotes tolerance, respect for differing viewpoints, and the ability to find common ground or compromise.

Dialogue in a democratic context teaches the importance of listening,…  Read more

 @9HYQPVN from Georgia answered…5mos5MO

Yes I have done this many times, I am friends with many inteligient people who have strong political opinions and they have swayed my opinion very often. I used to consider myself far leaning one way but their claims moved me a little closer to the middle. This taught me how significant my indoctrination of political ideology was by my parents, and how considering the other sides opinion can broaden your understanding of politics as a whole.


Do you think every individual should have an equal say in the decisions that affect their lives, or are some people more qualified to make those decisions than others?

 @9HCXQSP from Ohio answered…7mos7MO

While it is agreeable that some are more qualified to make these decisions than others; everyone deserves to have a say in the decisions being made that will affect their lives


What does 'freedom of speech' mean to you, and have you ever had to defend a viewpoint you didn't agree with?

 @9HYQMTYCommunist from Florida answered…5mos5MO

Freedom of speech means the right of the population to express their opinions freely without state intervention or discrimination, so long as it does not incite violence.

 @9HYQC96  from California answered…5mos5MO

I feel like the term " freedom of speech" is just a saying most of the times, but how I would say it just means what you think and also how you view something from your own point of view. Everyone has different opinions and different perspective of how they go about things.


What are your thoughts on the balance between economic development and conservation of natural resources?


How would you address the challenge of misinformation in a society that values free speech?


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