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549 Replies

 @9GKC2NX  from Illinois agreed…8mos8MO

Top Agreement

Minimum wage needs to be enough that someone working 40 hours a week at that wage can afford housing, transportation, food and health care without needing government assistance. Wages lower than that threshold essentially promote government subsidization of employers

 @9GLP9H3Republican from Washington disagreed…8mos8MO

if minimum wage is an issue find another job; there are so many opportunities. raising the minimum wage would raise inflation.

 @9GKZP7F from Virginia disagreed…8mos8MO

I agree but someone with a big family should not be working a job that has minimum wage so I do not think it should be raised.

 @9GKCTJQ from Washington disagreed…8mos8MO

Minimum wage needs to be abolished because it forces small businesses to comply, and since smaller businesses cant keep up with it, it makes them go out of business while big business can grow and become monopolies.

 @9J99ZLK from New Hampshire commented…5mos5MO

 @9GC2374  from Virginia agreed…8mos8MO

people cant live off of minimum wadge, the price of food alone is outrageous, the housing market, HUD doesn't even give people the amount of money to find a house that is halfway decent or has working anything. how are we supposed to live on a dollar a day when some of us need more food because of a medical condition. most people cant even get AN APPLE with one dollar because apples are like five friggen dollars. why are we made to live like this, but others get to live lavish lives where they get anything and everything they want?

 @9GC53TF from California agreed…8mos8MO

I agree with this comment, taxes and inflation have been on the rise without, any raise in pay to accommodate or make living manageable.

 @J0intComm1tteeSerenityLibertarianfrom Alabama disagreed…8mos8MO

A higher minimum wage could stimulate economic growth. When people have more disposable income, they're likely to spend more, and this increased demand can ignite business growth and potentially lead to job creation. Moreover, adequate compensation can improve workers' morale and productivity, which can benefit businesses in the long run.

 @9GC57BJ from Oregon agreed…8mos8MO

They should increase it or how else would they pay for rent, bills, taxes, food supplies, and needs? And if they have kids, how would they feed them or pay any of those with one dollar?!

 @FearlessCoatiRepublican from Florida disagreed…8mos8MO

Consider the potential inflationary effects of increasing the federal minimum wage. For example, businesses might have to raise prices to compensate for higher labor costs, making everyday goods and services more expensive for everyone, including those on minimum wage. In fact, a Congressional Budget Office report estimated that a $15 minimum wage could result in 1.3 million lost jobs. Instead, how about we explore alternative solutions like expanding the Earned Income Tax Credit to help low-income families without the risk of job loss?

 @9GBZCXB  from Tennessee agreed…8mos8MO

Its logical to raise minimum wage right along with the cost of living. How can you live off a low minimum wage if your cost of living is two times more than what you make.

 @9GKZF7B agreed…8mos8MO

i think it should go up cause people can work 10 hours a day for 5-6 days a week and and barely be making it by

 @9GL2DPD from Nevada agreed…8mos8MO

Yes very true you can be making 16 an hour and making barley making almost $2000 but because inflation is going up it's harder to get by because your income is the same but prices are going up.

 @9GL35N6Peace and Freedom  from Kansas agreed…8mos8MO

Yes! Minimum wage should definitely be increased! This person has a really good point and they're right. The economy today is crazy expensive. Many people are living paycheck to paycheck, or others have many jobs at once barely making it. It doesn't make sense how jobs pay very little when the economy is not very affordable.

 @9GJF3HZ  from Florida agreed…8mos8MO

Increased reason to work, which will lower the unemployment rates and generate more money for the economy.

 @9GJFMFL from Virginia agreed…8mos8MO

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 @9FFYFK2Democrat from North Carolina agreed…9mos9MO

People should be able to provide for themselves in whatever job they can get, and if the government were to increase the minimum wage, people would be making more money to provide for themselves.

 @9G5R9K2Progressive from Texas agreed…8mos8MO

The minimum wage is supposed to be a livable wage for everyone, and everything is already rising yet the minimum wage hasn't changed. Just places starting pay raising and we're lucky for that.

 @9FZKTSZ from California agreed…8mos8MO

Someone having to raise a family or pay rent food and all necessities in this world does not have enough money if getting paid less than 20$ an hour its not possible.

 @9GDY64P from Michigan agreed…8mos8MO

Everything is getting more expensive, and you are already getting taxed on your wage so it should increase. People will become poor and won't be able to live.

 @9GDZHMVRepublican from Alabama disagreed…8mos8MO

If the Minimum Wage were to get raised it would make the cost of living go way up: for the Minimum Wage to go up companies have to make more money to keep the same numbers.

 @9GDZCLB from North Carolina agreed…8mos8MO

I agree. Things are super expensive, and the inflation is getting worse. In order to survive we need a better wage.

 @9G29WCD from Virginia agreed…8mos8MO

higher earnings would improve the overall standard of living for minimum wage workers by providing them with a more appropriate income level to handle the cost of living increases.

 @9G2FKJ2 from Indiana agreed…8mos8MO

I agree because their wold be less poverty and i think that less poverty means less crimes and violence. I feel like a lot of violence happens due to poor living situations putting people in a state of survival. Meaning people will do whatever they need to do to live a basic life.

 @9F9PB9MRepublican from Georgia agreed…9mos9MO

people work 40 hours a week just to get less than 500 dollars on their pay check and then they have to pay bills and when they are done with bills they only have less than 50 dollars for themselves

 @9FGZNJW from Massachusetts commented…9mos9MO

Then work more than 40 hours: work a part-time job, find a way to earn passive income, if you feel you are being under-paid then apply for a job or position with better pay or ask for a raise. No one is going to just give things to you. This isn't a charity. Just about everyone has worked a minimum wage job at some point in their life, those of us who got sick of it used it as a stepping stone (which it should be viewed as) and those who were complacent decided to stick around, not developed skills, not seek better opportunities. Life is all about decisions, sure there is luck as well, but you make the most of the cards you've been dealt. Read Man's Search for Meaning if you think you have it rough.

 @9FC5RGMDemocratfrom Washington agreed…9mos9MO

Many people in the US are already struggling to live off of minimum wage, removing it entirely would make life much more difficult on these people. This would also decrease the average pay, in a society where people, even those living on higher than minimum wage, strugglr to live.

 @9F9L7CPIndependent from Texas agreed…9mos9MO

A lot of minimum wage jobs such as waiters, cashiers and baggers at stores work long hours to practically get robbed by the government letting these stores pay them such a small wage. It’s a form of modern day slavery that these people get paid barely enough money to even pay rent especially with housing prices being ridiculously high and continue to increase.

 @9FBRQZZ from California agreed…9mos9MO

Yes the federal minim wage should increase due to all the other little outcomes that come from the ordinary people who be working minimum wage pay cheeks due to just one work position you dont get enough money to survive as an adult due to everything you have to pay everywhere nowadays that people have to work 2-3 more jobs. All that hard work and time you waste for the money that gonna go back right to the bills we owe. People sacrifice a lot for it since its the easiest to get a job and make some money but not to survive a good life to work 1 minimum wage paying job. So them increasing the…  Read more

 @9GXRYJ4 from Florida agreed…7mos7MO

Minimum wage needs to be enough that someone working 40 hours a week at that wage can afford housing, transportation, food and health care without needing government assistance. Wages lower than that threshold essentially promote government subsidization of employers

 @9GSNHJJ from California agreed…7mos7MO

minimum wage back in the 1900s was able to buy multiple mcchickens. Now, a minimum wage worker can barely buy one mcchicken. Inflation has caused the value of money to drop, but the minimum wage has not been raised to counteract this.

 @9GB235CCA Common Sense from California agreed…8mos8MO

higher earnings would improve the overall standard of living for minimum wage workers by providing them with a more appropriate income level to handle the cost of living increases.

 @9G8NR2L  from Louisiana disagreed…8mos8MO

The cost of living is different in every state. The federal government should not be able to place a one size fits all wage on each person. There has to be room for adaptations.

 @9G8R4D5 from Alaska disagreed…8mos8MO

Fit the federal minimum wage for the lowest cost of living. This leaves the states room to fluctuate there minimum wage and the federal minimum wage can always be changed later if things change.

 @9G8QKDX from Nevada disagreed…8mos8MO

There should be room for adaptations, however not because every state has a different cost of living, does that mean that every person has different needs. Employees that work at minimum wage cannot afford basic necessities like childcare, healthcare, housing, and transportation.

 @9H38428 from Minnesota agreed…7mos7MO

They should increase the minimum wage along with inflation and it should be able to support someone for their life.

 @9GGX7SZSocialist from North Carolina agreed…8mos8MO

People should be able to live off of a minimum wage job but even if you disagree with that, given how much inflation has increased, minimum wage should increase proportionately.

 @9GYF5N7 from Alabama agreed…7mos7MO

People are losing their passion to work because they are not making enough to support themselves and their families. Making the Minimum Wage higher would inspire people to keep their jobs and make enough money to support themselves and their loved ones.

 @9FBLF3FDemocrat from California agreed…9mos9MO

the average minimum wage job pays 15.50 an hour, ask any adult if that is enough to pay off a car, school, and vacations. most likely the answer to that question will always be a no.

 @9F9P9HRPeace and Freedom from Washington agreed…9mos9MO

In more modern times, everything is more expensive, and to the point of many going homeless, or being poor, even if they're making a decent amount of money annually.

 @9F9L9B6 from Kansas agreed…9mos9MO

Studies have shown that raising the minimum wage can reduce income inequality and lift workers out of poverty. It can also stimulate consumer spending, leading to economic growth. Additionally, research suggests that a higher minimum wage can improve worker productivity and reduce turnover, benefiting both employees and businesses.

 @9FB528TPeace and Freedom from New York agreed…9mos9MO

Yes, many people have bills to pay and it’s not fair that we are treated unfairly and overworked without stop.

 @9GX9H35Peace and Freedom from Ohio agreed…7mos7MO

Minimum wage needs to be enough that someone working 40 hours a week at that wage can afford housing, transportation, food and health care without needing government assistance. Wages lower than that threshold essentially promote government subsidization of employers

 @9GT3GVF from North Carolina agreed…7mos7MO

Younger people such as students or young adults (and likely your children) will have to start from somewhere, and most likely where they start will not be enough to survive college and or living fees.

 @9F89JBJRepublican from New York agreed…9mos9MO

Since prices, like gas and grocery stores are going up in prices. People who are working , minimum wage should be getting payed more so they can afford food, gas and pay their bills.

 @9GY6SMLIndependent from Pennsylvania agreed…7mos7MO

Minimum wage should be able to support someone's life such as housing, transportation, food, and more.

 @9GSWCKW from Missouri agreed…7mos7MO

Given the context of inflation, the current U.S. minimum wage does not provide enough for people to survive in the current day.


I wanna buy more stuff also inflation is through the roof making everything more expensive and my pay isnt going up so its just making everything harder

 @9GNPBWHPeace and Freedom from Nevada agreed…8mos8MO

people cant live off of minimum wadge, the price of food alone is outrageous, the housing market, HUD doesn't even give people the amount of money to find a house that is halfway decent or has working anything. how are we supposed to live on a dollar a day when some of us need more food because of a medical condition. most people cant even get AN APPLE with one dollar because apples are like five friggen dollars. why are we made to live like this, but others get to live lavish lives where they get anything and everything they want?

 @9GLGYMX from Louisiana agreed…8mos8MO

people cant live off of minimum wage, the price of food alone is outrageous, the housing market, HUD doesn't even give people the amount of money to find a house that is halfway decent or has working anything. how are we supposed to live on a dollar a day when some of us need more food because of a medical condition. most people cant even get AN APPLE with one dollar because apples are like five friggen dollars. why are we made to live like this, but others get to live lavish lives where they get anything and everything they want?


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