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16 Replies

 @SquirrelPiperDemocratfrom Minnesota commented…2wks2W

The Republican shibboleth that life begins at conception is simple incompatible with the practice if IVF, as the Alabama Supreme Court recognized. If Cruz and the other Republicans are abandoning their extreme stance for electoral viability, they should say so.

 @MantisBillGreen from California commented…2wks2W

 @CockatooTedWorking Familyfrom South Carolina commented…2wks2W

Wasn't this whole controversy simply Democrat misinformation and propaganda trying to make Republicans look bad about nothing?

Democrat position is that abortion is fine, and any doctor should be forced to preform them right up to birth for any reason.

Republican position is that at some point abortion is murder. The debate is only when during the pregnancy it becomes clear that an abortion would be outlawed without a really good reason.

This should be left up to the states.

 @QuickFilibusterRepublican from New York disagreed…2wks2W

That's propaganda. No Democrat I know thinks abortion should be permitted "right up to birth", and both Republicans and Democrats want a sliding scale of restrictions as birth approaches. Once again the debate is being driven by extremists on both sides instead of the silent majority, which seems to be the case for most other issues in the country.

 @V0t1ngMadelynGreen from Minnesota commented…2wks2W

If "life begins at conception" IVF should be illegal, period. It's laughable (cryable?) that Republicans advocate for extreme abortion restrictions and also support IVF, which kills thousands of "children" each year. Give me a break, how pathetically hypocritical can one possibly be?

 @M1norityHalRepublican from New Jersey disagreed…2wks2W

Sham argument.

One can certainly be pro IVF and also favor restrictions on abortion. They are clearly very distinct issues, and as the senators say, both are pro-family.

 @Freedom76 from South Carolina commented…2wks2W

The Tenth Amendment (the one your professor forgot to tell you about) clearly says the powers not explicitly delegated to the federal government by the constitution are reserved for the people of the STATES. Look up a power to force States to legalise IVF in the Constitution. Don't see it? That's because it's not there. This is unconstitutional and an attack on the right to self-government of the people of the States.

 @LyingP0l1ticalPlatformWomen’s Equalityfrom Pennsylvania commented…2wks2W

What a joke. "We'll protect Life ... ' Hello .... Women have become vessels for the 'life' you want to 'protect'. How demeaning to half the population! We demand sexual and reproductive equality without exception. When you stop killing our kids via disease, accidents, wars, guns, suicides, poverty, natural disasters, abuse, drugs etc ... then we'll stop trying to prevent pregnancy or terminate one.

We reject the taliban christians!

 @Freedom76 from South Carolina disagreed…2wks2W

It was the DEMOCRATS who created COVID, the DEMOCRATS who are morons who get us into accidents, the DEMOCRATS who push for war in Ukraine (along with their Neocon accessories) the DEMOCRATS who support legalising suicide, the DEMOCRATS who have impoverished America, the DEMOCRATS who support abuse by Marxist Gender Cultists, the DEMOCRATS who want to legalise heroin, and the CHRISTIANS who stand against this BS. Your right to "bodily autonomy" ends the SECOND you lay hands on an innocent child, you Nazi!!


Should access to IVF be considered a right or a privilege in society?


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