Try the political quiz

6 Replies

 @9KNDCK8Socialist from North Carolina disagreed…3mos3MO

Christianity is only one of the biggest religions in the world. It is not even the top contender. If you want children to be taught Christianity, then they should also be taught Islam and Hinduism. Religion is a personal choice and adventure of the individual. Schools have no right to force one onto a child. They may offer the means for a child to learn about any religion they would like, but they should not force one.

 @9KTFGRZ  from Florida agreed…3mos3MO

All children should be taught about different religions in school to learn about different cultures, which includes Christianity.

 @9KP97WM from Georgia disagreed…3mos3MO

Religion does not affect a child’s brain and every child is entitled to their own choice of religion and must not be skewed one way or the other

 @9KN6JTSProgressive  from Arizona disagreed…3mos3MO

There is no benefit to learning Christianity in schools and it has no impact on learning the subjects children need to learn

 @9KNGFYG from Ohio disagreed…3mos3MO

If you want your child taught your religion that should happen under your own roof. Your religion is your right but my religion is mine. Keep all religion out of schools, but I think knowing about world religions should be an endeavour a student can take like art, music, foreign language, etc. requirements in education should be objective i.e. math science and English maybe history.

 @9KNDPJF from Nebraska disagreed…3mos3MO

It would be unconstitutional because of the separation between church and state. If parents want their kids to receive a Christian education they should go to private school

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