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18 Replies

 @9HNKLYQ from Utah agreed…4mos4MO

This take gives the most freedom to the people, and taking the right of bodily autonomy by mandating vaccines truly hurts the people.

 @9HNPLTZ from Maine agreed…4mos4MO

I support his thoughts, you cant force soöeone to be vaccinated and vaccines shoudl be tested at least for multiple years befor they become public available, long term has to be studied.

 @9HN6C8C from Pennsylvania disagreed…4mos4MO

Any mandatory vaccinations will have been thoroughly approved by the FDA and will keep everyone, including you, safe. Unless you want an outbreak that kills you, get vaccinated.

 @9HN69LQ from Utah disagreed…4mos4MO

There may be some people who are allergic and could have a life-threatening reaction to any ingredient or chemical found within the vaccine.

 @9HN4HFC from South Dakota disagreed…4mos4MO

If its wrong to force someone to inject something into them, like a vaccine that’s purpose is to save peoples lives, then why is it okey for the government force woman to have babies they don't want/can’t afford/may harm them medically. Most vaccines are free and won’t harm you, but there are many things that can harm a woman during child birth.


If people do not take vaccinations they are putting people including babies at risk of getting deathly ill. It is selfish of people to even not think of the health violations of not getting vaccinated.

 @9HN4BGRWorking Family from Massachusetts disagreed…4mos4MO

Your right to refuse medical preventative measures stops when you are creating a greater threat to at-risk populations.

 @9HN3PY2 from South Carolina disagreed…4mos4MO

If no one had been vaccinated as children, we would all be dead or fatally sick. Yes, like the covid vaccine, they should wait until vaccines are more safe and have been tested more to be mandatory, but other vaccines that HAVE been proven to be safe should be mandatory, as they protect ALL of us. Not getting a mandatory vaccine subjects other people to deadly diseases we have fought decades to prevent, and puts everyone at risk.

 @9HN3NMHProgressive from Minnesota disagreed…4mos4MO

If you are sick with a virus that can kill others, you are becoming a danger to everyone else, which violates their freedoms.

 @9HN3JTD  from Pennsylvania disagreed…4mos4MO

You may have freedom to choose, but you’re putting other people in danger for your own selfishness. You may have free choice, but that does not mean you’re free from the repercussions of that choice.

 @9HN3FLSfrom Maine disagreed…4mos4MO

This is not even a discussion when it comes to preventing disease-related plagues, which have not been seen for over a century thanks to vaccines.

 @9HN347Z from Connecticut disagreed…4mos4MO

If the injection is for protection of others and will help everybody in the long run, you should have to take it.

 @9HQ5MLCProgressive from New York disagreed…4mos4MO

Depends on the situation. For those in healthcare choosing to not become vaccinated to ensure protection for themselves and their patients, they are also choosing to not believe in the medical science of which they chose to study and practice in order to save and improve the lives of others. Other than medical professionals, ask yourself why you don't want to receive this vaccine. Are you afraid of how quickly it was made? Other unknown negative health impacts it could cause? Imagine the unknown long-term and short-term effects of covid, and even if they don't happen to you, you cou…  Read more

 @9HNYHZD  from Texas disagreed…4mos4MO

If you want to stop the spreed of wicked you must first contain it, its only til your on your death bed thta you will regret not tacking it

 @9HNVXDN from North Carolina disagreed…4mos4MO

Vaccines are used to protect people all around it should be mandatory or others will get sick including the person who did not get one.

 @9HNMZDFDemocrat from Maryland disagreed…4mos4MO

This is retarded. Vaccines are meant to stop or reduce the spread of viral infections. The reason why vaccines are given at such a young age, is to ensure this. There is a reason we don't see hardly any cases/fatalities of viruses like Polio or Smallpox (which was totally eradicated thanks to vaccines, moron).

 @9HNJBC5 from California disagreed…4mos4MO

You cannot force someone to inject something into them. If they want to that is up to them. Otherwise, it is basic freedom on what I want to take.

 @9HN6YZ8 from California disagreed…4mos4MO

My argue is that you do have to get vaccinated because you never know if you're sick and going to give it to your workers and get them sick.


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