Skúste politický kvíz

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 @ISIDEWITHspýtal sa…5mos5MO

Spomeniete si na obdobie, kedy environmentálny problém ovplyvnil váš život alebo život vašej komunity a ako to ovplyvňuje váš pohľad na frakovanie?

 @ISIDEWITHspýtal sa…5mos5MO

Ak by váš priateľ tvrdil, že frakovanie je nevyhnutné pre hospodársky rast, ako by ste zareagovali vzhľadom na životné prostredie aj vytváranie pracovných miest?

 @ISIDEWITHspýtal sa…5mos5MO

Myslíte si, že technologický pokrok môže urobiť frakovanie bezpečnejším a šetrnejším k životnému prostrediu, alebo by sme sa mali zamerať na alternatívne zdroje?

 @ISIDEWITHspýtal sa…5mos5MO

Akú zmenu by ste boli ochotní urobiť vo svojom súčasnom životnom štýle, ak by to znamenalo zníženie negatívnych dopadov získavania energie?

 @ISIDEWITHspýtal sa…5mos5MO

Ak by ste si mali vybrať medzi nižšími nákladmi na energiu alebo ochranou životného prostredia, čo by ste si vybrali a čo je základom vášho rozhodnutia?

 @ISIDEWITHspýtal sa…5mos5MO

Ako si predstavujete ideálnu energetickú budúcnosť a akú úlohu v tejto vízii zohráva neobnoviteľná energia?

 @ISIDEWITHspýtal sa…5mos5MO

Vzhľadom na globálny dopyt po energii, ako vyvažujete potrebu ropy a plynu s potenciálnymi rizikami pre životné prostredie?

 @ISIDEWITHspýtal sa…5mos5MO

Aké hodnoty alebo priority by sa podľa vás mali riadiť našimi rozhodnutiami o výrobe energie vzhľadom na zmenu klímy a prečo?

 @ISIDEWITHspýtal sa…5mos5MO

Zažili ste vy alebo niekto, koho poznáte, nejaký priamy vplyv frakovania, a ak áno, aký to bol vplyv?

 @ISIDEWITHspýtal sa…5mos5MO

Ako by ste sa cítili, keby bola v blízkosti vašej komunity zriadená stránka na frakovanie a aké obavy alebo výhody vám prichádzajú na myseľ?

 @P2YQF9 z Texas odpovedané…3 r3Y

Yes, but be smart about it- I.E. Take into consideration where you will be fracking and if it will affect peoples homes, water, health and overall well being and quality of living

 @P2V3BV z New York odpovedané…3 r3Y

I support hydraulic fracking in the U.S., ONLY, if it is AMERICAN OWNED interests doing it. I am against foreign corps. (the Chinese) performing this here.

 @NVC8SK z Texas odpovedané…3 r3Y

In a safer form, not in its current poisonous form. We shouldn't be leaving buried chemicals in the ground that will eventually seep into water supplies. In fact, why are they using the poisonous chemicals that they use now anyways, when they have safer and more efficient extraction methods?

 @NS5GH5 z Colorado odpovedané…3 r3Y

Yes, but there needs to be verifiable evidence that it does not harm the ground water sources before it can be used

 @NR6K98 z Florida odpovedané…3 r3Y

Concerns are based on sound evidence. Companies need to be controlled in their pursuit of oil at the expense of h2o and peoples health.

 @NPYV65 z Michigan odpovedané…3 r3Y

Yes, with greatly increased oversight but while also pursing renewable sources of energy such as solar, hydro, and wind power.

 @NMTNJB z Wisconsin odpovedané…3 r3Y

Yes but it needs to be done responsibly. Also there should be ongoing monitoring of its effects on the earth and environment. Again, oil is a finite commodity so look for alternative sources of energy.

 @NM4G6B z California odpovedané…3 r3Y

I believe it is important for both our economy and current country affairs to continue to extract resources to fuel production and economy. However, fracking may not be the best choice. If it is the best choice for certain circumstances and it is needed to keep a healthy economy I believe it should be used. I am all for protecting the environment but I also recognize the need for natural resources and believe God gave us this earth to utilize for our benefit and well being. We should not intentionally destroy nature though.

 @NKFHLK z Oregon odpovedané…3 r3Y

Increase overesight, and scientific monitoring of fracking to determine if the process endangers water supplies, decreases ground stability, or has other harmful environmental effects.

 @NJHFVZ z Wisconsin odpovedané…3 r3Y

Some fracking is perfectly harmless, and helpful. It's not a black and white issue, there are degrees of harm done, including none at all.

 @N3YCMS z Florida odpovedané…3 r3Y

Fracking should be studied more for it's long term effects. The oil industry has not proved it is environmentally sound. Lighting tap water on fire says something is amiss. Ground water is more important.