Yes, and all schools should require mandatory diversity training
No, only for students that commit acts of discrimination
Yes, and immediately expel any students that commit acts of discrimination
No, diversity training should be encouraged but not required
No, and mandatory diversity training should be banned
No, only private schools should be allowed to require mandatory training

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Other Popular Answers

Unique answers from America users whose views extended beyond the provided choices.

 @9KKJ3CD from New Jersey answered…1mo1MO

Schools should be encouraged to promote diversity but should not be allowed to teach superiority or inherent racism

 @99LN2FJ from Oregon answered…1yr1Y

 @99LPPZF from Illinois answered…1yr1Y

NO just teach your kids that everyone is equal were all human and no one is perfect

 @99LDJMH from Virginia answered…1yr1Y

At the end of the day it's telling us how to act. If people want to discriminate, they'll learn quickly that that behavior isn't tolerable anymore.

 @9LF6CXQ from Washington answered…1wk1W

Mandatory diversity training should be implemented, though according to each level of schooling, and more intently to those who are committing discrimination.

 @9LCNZK5 from Washington answered…1wk1W

a lot of kids commit acts of discrimination daily in schools witch I don't think a lot of people are aware of but it is a big problem in schools all over the nation so I feel like they shouldn't teach that but they should make it not a normal thing to say

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