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“No. The ones that want those things removed need therapy, because they're so wrapped up in their own egos, they can't let anything be. The Government has too much they should be doing to bother with stupid opinions about non sense concerns by people who should go get jobs. If you're an Atheist, you don't believe, so you shouldn't care. Enjoy a day off. Other beliefs, go have your holidays and leave things alone. This country exists with great sacrifice, so that you can do what you want. You bite the hand that feeds you if you insult the beginnings that include references to the concept of God. The last concept that should reject this idea is the US Government. It was founded on such an ideal.”

From a Republican in Nashville, TN
In reponse to: Should the government support a separation of church and state by removing references to God on money, federal buildings, and national monuments?

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