Kokeile poliittinen tietokilpailu


 @N87V6H Hawaii _ vastattu…4v4Y

Yes, with our current ROEs and lagging support for victory from the Afghan government, we should pull out, OR, declare war with a clear military and political objectives. Obama's lack of support for our military is dispicable and troops should not be forced to fight without clear obtainable objectives and support.

 @N6WDS6 Florida _ vastattu…4v4Y

Military leaders, excluding POTUS, should be confident that the mission has been accomplished, and then be more diligent in the future. the biggest problem is that we let political arena run out military during live action conflicts and not let the Generals control the action, as was done during WWII. when politicos call the shots, history shows us that we always loose.

 @L4S8HQ California _ vastattu…4v4Y