Should health insurance providers be required to offer free birth control?

On August 1st, 2012 the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (Obamacare) required all health insurers and employers to cover the cost of contraceptives in their health insurance plans. The provision ecempted religious organizations and churches. In 2017 the Trump administration issued a rule that allowed a much broader set of employers to opt out of offering coverage for birth control, making moot a “workaround’’ designed by the Obama administration that allowed women in some cases to obtain coverage even if their employers had declined to offer it directly. In July 2022 the US House of Representatives passed a bill which overturned the Trump rule and protect access to contraception on a federal level. The legislation protects access to any contraceptive device, including all contraceptive products approved by the Food and Drug Administration, including intrauterine devices known as IUDs and emergency contraception such as Plan B.

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