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Which of your friends are most similar or opposite of your beliefs?

I side with Hillary Clinton on most Domestic Policy issues in the 2016 Presidential Election.

You side on domestic policy issues with...

Gun Control

Somewhat Important to me

Should there be more restrictions on the current process of purchasing a gun? stats discuss

You: Yes

Hillary Clinton’s similar answer: Yes, require strict background checks, psychological testing, and training

No-Fly List Gun Control

Somewhat Important to me

Should people on the “no-fly list” be banned from purchasing guns and ammunition? stats discuss

You: Yes, but not until the no-fly list screening process is improved for accuracy and includes due process

You do not side on domestic policy issues with...

Gun Control

Somewhat Important to me

Should there be more restrictions on the current process of purchasing a gun? stats discuss

Donald Trump: No, and the government should pass a national “stand your ground” law

No-Fly List Gun Control

Somewhat Important to me

Should people on the “no-fly list” be banned from purchasing guns and ammunition? stats discuss

Donald Trump: No

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