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Compare with Friends

Which of your friends are most similar or opposite of your beliefs?

I side with Donald Trump on most Education issues in the 2016 Presidential Election.

You side on education issues with...

Common Core

Somewhat Important to me

Do you support Common Core national standards? stats discuss

You and Hillary Clinton: Yes

Student Loans

Somewhat Important to me

Do you support increasing taxes for the rich in order to reduce interest rates for student loans? stats discuss

You and Donald Trump: No

Charter Schools

Somewhat Important to me

Do you support charter schools? stats discuss

You and Donald Trump: Yes

Universal Pre-K

Somewhat Important to me

Should the federal government fund Universal preschool? stats discuss

You: No

Free College for All

Somewhat Important to me

Should the federal government pay for tuition at four-year colleges and universities? stats discuss

You: No

School Truancy

Somewhat Important to me

Should the government decriminalize school truancy? stats discuss

You: Yes

Critical Race Theory in K-12 Education

Somewhat Important to me

Should critical race theory be taught in K-12 education? stats discuss

You: No

Donald Trump’s similar answer: No, kids should be raised to be racially color blind instead of being taught they are inherently racist or disadvantaged based on the color of their skin

School Vouchers

Somewhat Important to me

Should the government offer students a voucher that they can use to attend private schools? stats discuss

You and Donald Trump: Yes

Student Loan Forgiveness

Somewhat Important to me

Do you support President Biden’s student loan forgiveness program? stats discuss

You: No

Donald Trump’s similar answer: No, this is unfair to students who already paid off their loans

You do not side on education issues with...

Common Core

Somewhat Important to me

Do you support Common Core national standards? stats discuss

Donald Trump: No, education should be handled at the state and local level instead of the national level

Student Loans

Somewhat Important to me

Do you support increasing taxes for the rich in order to reduce interest rates for student loans? stats discuss

Hillary Clinton: Yes

Charter Schools

Somewhat Important to me

Do you support charter schools? stats discuss

Universal Pre-K

Somewhat Important to me

Should the federal government fund Universal preschool? stats discuss

Free College for All

Somewhat Important to me

Should the federal government pay for tuition at four-year colleges and universities? stats discuss

School Truancy

Somewhat Important to me

Should the government decriminalize school truancy? stats discuss

Critical Race Theory in K-12 Education

Somewhat Important to me

Should critical race theory be taught in K-12 education? stats discuss

School Vouchers

Somewhat Important to me

Should the government offer students a voucher that they can use to attend private schools? stats discuss

Student Loan Forgiveness

Somewhat Important to me

Do you support President Biden’s student loan forgiveness program? stats discuss

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