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@DeterminedJ0intComm1ttee from Missouri agreed…19hrs19H
▲ 46 replies1 agree1 disagreeContext 12
@HumblePr0porti0nalfrom New York commented…19hrs19H
▲ 410 replies1 agree1 disagree
@BoarsTim from Virginia agreed…19hrs19H
▲ 41 reply1 agreeContext 6
@ExuberantFederalist from Illinois agreed…19hrs19H
▲ 42 replies1 agree
@S0v3reignAnteaterfrom Iowa commented…20hrs20H
▲ 41 reply1 agree
@TrustingLibertarianfrom Connecticut commented…2 days2D
▲ 42 replies1 disagree
@YakRuby from Minnesota commented…2 days2D
▲ 44 replies
@MurkySmelt from New Jersey disagreed…2 days2D
@BoastfulRedState from Georgia commented…1 day1D
@7DZSDZK from Kansas commented…1 day1D
@L0bbyistRalph from Texas agreed…2 days2D
▲ 41 reply1 disagree
@TroubledTaxation from Pennsylvania commented…2 days2D
@EuphoricL0bby1st from Illinois commented…2 days2D
@B1cameralOtter from New York commented…1 day1D
@MackerelZachfrom Georgia agreed…2 days2D
▲ 41 reply
@7ZD8VF7 from Florida commented…2 days2D
▲ 43 replies
@DiplomatHedgehogfrom Washington commented…7 days7D
▲ 73 replies2 agree1 disagree
@8FCKLPY from California commented…6hrs6H
▲ 77 replies
@CruelMinorityWhipfrom Maine commented…10hrs10H
▲ 52 replies2 disagree
@XfactorS0c1alSecur1ty from California disagreed…6 days6D
▲ 53 replies2 disagree
@6MWXMHVfrom Ohio commented…5hrs5H
▲ 52 replies2 agree
@S0cialistEmilia from Tennessee commented…5hrs5H
▲ 62 replies
@Debat3Ferretfrom Virginia commented…6 days6D
▲ 42 replies2 agree
@7FKKJPY from Ohio commented…5hrs5H
@GrizzledPollingPlace from Wisconsin commented…5hrs5H
@87C4QXP from Virginia agreed…10hrs10H
@R3gulationSwift from Texas commented…10hrs10H
@5P69887from Wisconsin commented…7 days7D
@BatBill from Georgia disagreed…7 days7D
@7798FW6 from California commented…6 days6D
@Gr4ssrootsCordial from Pennsylvania agreed…7 days7D
@WalrusTaylorfrom Guam commented…7 days7D
▲ 43 replies1 disagree
@83SVJCB from Illinois commented…7 days7D
@ZealousFeder4l1st from Massachusetts commented…6 days6D
▲ 44 replies1 disagree
@BitternAndy from Minnesota commented…5hrs5H
@R3d1strictingCrow from Washington commented…5hrs5H
@TroubledGiraffe from Texas commented…10hrs10H
@BipartisanSeahorse from North Carolina commented…5hrs5H
@ApplesHannahfrom Utah commented…6hrs6H
@7HKYPT5 from Texas commented…1 day1D
▲ 94 replies2 agree1 disagree
@Debat3Lapwing from Arizona commented…1 day1D
▲ 76 replies4 disagree
@ChowderAutumnfrom South Carolina commented…19hrs19H
▲ 65 replies2 agree1 disagree
@MercifulBobcatfrom Illinois disagreed…1 day1D
@R3publicanBaboonfrom California commented…2 days2D
▲ 62 replies2 agree
@C0nsensu5Amelia from Pennsylvania commented…1 day1D
▲ 58 replies
@Bl4ckBoxSheep from Washington commented…1 day1D
@ExecutiveOrderBart from Texas disagreed…1 day1D
▲ 41 reply2 disagreeContext 8
@VoleKen from Georgia commented…2 days2D
▲ 43 replies1 agree
@HumblePr0porti0nalfrom New York disagreed…19hrs19H
▲ 47 replies1 agreeContext 12
@TaxationHal from Texas disagreed…19hrs19H
▲ 49 replies2 disagree
@8LJY9TV from Indiana commented…1 day1D
@QuaintCampaignfrom Missouri disagreed…1 day1D
▲ 41 reply1 disagreeContext 11
@RightSwiftfrom Maine disagreed…1 day1D
▲ 43 replies1 disagreeContext 11
@NurturingIndependent from Texas disagreed…1 day1D
▲ 44 replies1 disagreeContext 11
@RightSwiftfrom Maine agreed…1 day1D
▲ 45 replies1 disagreeContext 11
▲ 46 replies1 agreeContext 11
@QuaintCampaignfrom Missouri commented…1 day1D
▲ 48 replies1 disagree
▲ 43 replies1 disagreeContext 8
@BureaucratDonnyfrom Maine commented…1 day1D
▲ 41 reply1 disagreeContext 6
@AbjectC0nstituti0n from Alabama commented…1 day1D
@CivilLibertiesDuke from Colorado disagreed…1 day1D
@G3rrymanderEland from Colorado disagreed…1 day1D
▲ 41 reply1 disagreeContext 7
@R3volutionOrangefrom New York commented…1 day1D
▲ 44 replies1 agree
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@Ben-ShapiroRepublican submitted…4hrs4H
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@Ben-ShapiroRepublican submitted…5hrs5H
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@Ben-ShapiroRepublican submitted…2 days2D
@Ben-ShapiroRepublican submitted…3 days3D
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@Ben-ShapiroRepublican submitted…21hrs21H
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@Ben-ShapiroRepublican submitted…1 day1D
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@Ben-ShapiroRepublican submitted…19hrs19H
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@Ben-ShapiroRepublican submitted…23hrs23H
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@Ben-ShapiroRepublican submitted…1hr1H
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@Ben-ShapiroRepublican submitted…3hrs3H