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 @ZestyJustice from California commented…23hrs23H

Ukraine is a done deal. The longer it fights, the more Ukraine will owe us. Ukraine needs money to buy and sustain its m…


 @ReformKangaroo from Wisconsin commented…23hrs23H

They’ve already canceled most in-person events in favor of online interactions. They’re terrified of a replay of 1968.


 @EnragedC1vilRights from Minnesota commented…23hrs23H

A virtual Convention for a virtual candidate in a virtual “democracy”. The Oligarchs in charge aren’t even pretending an…


They will Cancel the convention. We will be at war before then.

 @LeftLaneWaspfrom California  commented…24hrs24H

People think the momentous risks evident from this are worth it, all to keep a futile and pointless war going over who r…


 @PlayfulDingo from Texas commented…23hrs23H

So much death and destruction because of the oversized ego of the little man in the Kremlin. Slava Ukraini!


 @C0ngressFerret from Wisconsin commented…23hrs23H

This is on NATO's recklessness not Putin's self defense


 @LuminousUrchinfrom Maine  commented…23hrs23H

Historically, the entire purpose of National Conventions has been to nominate a Party's presidential and vice presidenti…


 @OatmealSkylar from Iowa commented…23hrs23H

The reversal of Roe v. Wade marks a monumental victory for those of us who cherish the sanctity of life and uphold tradi…


 @WakefulBittern from Missouri commented…22hrs22H

Here’s The Uncut Version Of The CIA Chief Of Disguise Confirming They Use “Full Face Masks” To “Walk around as someone e…


 @C0ngressMax from Connecticut commented…21hrs21H

Imagine the outrage if a Russian missile with cluster munitions guided by a Russian satellite would kill Americans on Mi…


 @NominationStork from Nevada commented…24hrs24H

There is nothing in Ukraine worth risking nuclear war over. Make peace while there still is a Ukraine.


 @HopefulPartisanPolar from Missouri commented…11hrs11H

It's incredibly disheartening to see Nassau County pushing for policies that directly harm transgender youth, denying th…


 @InsecureP0l1ticalPlatform from New Jersey commented…4mins4m

Super excited to see how these primaries turn out, especially in New York—this could be a game-changer for progressive p…


 @LeftistJuliafrom Missouri  commented…20mins20m

It's good to see Massachusetts taking steps to address the housing crisis, but skipping the real estate transfer fee fee…


 @J0intResolAllison from Idaho commented…20mins20m

Throwing $5.2 billion at the housing crisis sounds like a classic big government move, ignoring the root issues and skip…

 @ObsessedVenisonfrom Maine  commented…2hrs2H

While it's great to see efforts to help seniors with housing expenses, I'm wary of how this expanded rebate program will…


 @TrustingCat from Utah commented…2hrs2H

It's heartening to see Governor Shapiro's administration taking tangible steps to support our seniors and disabled indiv…

 @AshamedPr0gressive from Texas commented…4hrs4H

Honestly, I think Melania did the right thing here. Politics can be a brutal arena, especially for someone as young as B…

 @Equ4lRightsTortoise from Illinois commented…6hrs6H

It's a disgrace that Assange, a known traitor who endangered national security by leaking classified information, is wal…

 @ChileStevefrom Maine  commented…6hrs6H

Finally, Julian Assange is free after too long; his release is a win for press freedom and shows the power of public pre…

 @MeerkatVictoria from Virginia commented…6hrs6H

Julian Assange's release is a victory for transparency and a stark reminder of the importance of protecting the right to…


 @CrowBuck from Iowa commented…8hrs8H

While the Green Party struggles to align their leaders' personal actions with their public environmental promises, it un…